Does your species not grow facial hair? I suppose I didn't see anybody with any.
Oh, male humans start in our teens. But I don't want a beard either so I shave it off.
...I do not control where hair grows, only what I do with it when it has sprouted.
It's properly a climb if you are Kib! But he will try it with the song's benefit and not crack his head open.
He can do technical sketches but doesn't have much experience drawing scenery.
He'd like to avoid anything as intensive as an actual apprenticeship here until he knows how long he's going to be around, which will depend on whether and how easily the Valar can access his world.
He hasn't even learned the grace song well enough to sing it through without forgetting bits yet, it really doesn't help that he doesn't speak Quenya. However, he is very interested in learning magic songs.
And then the lights are Mingling again.