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Here's Kib. Packed for a trip.

They can sell some more gems for money for a carriage to Lapis.
Well that's going to be one awkward carriage to Lapis.

The Elves will cuddle.

And Kib will sit over here with his arms wrapped around his knees, failing repeatedly to read a book and instead staring into space.


It does not seem exactly appropriate to try to lighten the mood.

They have an overnight stop at an inn and then they're driven the rest of the way and here's Lapis.

It's just like he remembers it. "I might not even have to look him up," he says, glancing around at the buildings, "if he didn't move -"

"Should we wait here?"


"...I might get lost, even Aly didn't know the whole city, but osanwë range would cover it - if you want to wait here that's fine."


"I'd rather be closer," Findekáno says, "in case there's any kind of trouble. Or bad news and then you want to sit there crying for hours."

"Okay. ...This way."

He sets off into the city, moving slowly, pausing to blink at things every other block.

It's a pretty city. They are holding hands and nothing has happened, that's also pretty lovely.

And eventually Kib arrives at the house.

He peeks at the legend by the door for letter carriers, and it's Aydanci's name, now, all by itself without Aly's above it.

And he knocks.

This is the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened,
Maitimo says.

I'm sorry.

Why are you sorry?

If I hadn't aggressively nudged you into it-

You couldn't have anticipated this. This is the most ridiculous thing that has ever happened.

I know. I love you and I'm sorry.
A middle aged man opens the door. He's tall and rather lanky, just on the edge of perhaps being called unhealthily thin without making it a sure thing. He glances between the visitors, one at a time, barely even noting the held hands, his gaze lingering briefly on pointed ears before resting on Kib.

He looks unaccustomed to smiling, but he attempts one anyway.

"Can I help you?"
Oh hell two decades of Aly being dead have not been good for Aydanci have they.

"Um. Hello. My name's Akibel Mowar. I have an extremely implausible story and no idea how to start and if you don't believe me it's going to sound like a cruel joke, forgive me if I don't have a very elegant way around any of that please -"

That's when a magpie flies out of the house and lands on Kib's shoulder and starts eating his hair. "Stop that," Kib tells the magpie.

The magpie stops.
Aydanci's eyes flick from Kib to the magpie, then back.

"... Go on?" he prompts, hint of a frown around his eyes.

"Um. So a while ago I started having peculiar dreams which stick like memories and all take place before the stork dropped me and - there is no way to gracefully lead up to 'I am Aly reincarnated, but I don't remember everything yet', is there. But I didn't want to - wait until I remembered more, I thought you'd want to know."


"I'm sorry, what?"

"I have Aly's exact personality and am dreaming her life in randomly-ordered chunks and I occasionally refer to her in the first person and I thought you'd want to know."

This person is probably completely insane, or very ill, or something, but Aydanci is pathologically incapable of closing the door in his face if it is at all possible any part of Aly is alive.

"... I see," he says, sounding like he doesn't. "And - what parts of her life have you dreamed?"

"Random stuff. I didn't get anything much about you until very recently and then I got engagement and death and wedding in that order all in one night that was fun. Mostly childhood and I did get the eclipse before but only for a few minutes and I didn't put it together, I got enough to be halfway competent at speaking Harthanic which I have never learned this time around, I could probably replicate her scooter design, I know the three questions?"

Aydanci goes very still and quiet. He eyes the magpie again.

"And those are?" he murmurs, voice suddenly rather hoarse.

"Not actually something I dreamed first, I had them independently - what do I want, what do I have, how can I best use the latter to get the former."


He opens his mouth, then closes it. He doesn't dare look hopeful, just - vulnerable.

"Could you please tell the magpie on your shoulder to lift a wing?"

"You think it -?" Blink. "Left wing up for a sec," he tells the magpie.

The magpie complies, then refolds its wing.

"That didn't even occur to me. I knew I - I knew she invented storks, I didn't think I'd be able to just yell one down and get it to show me who'd been making the new ones, I was waiting to dream it -"

"I noticed earlier when you said stop. I gave up trying to get him to stop nibbling on my hair years ago."

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