This is the stupidest dream timing ever. She was nineteen, on the beach - we were married for five years and I never got a single dream with him in except that one with the eclipse and it was maybe four minutes long and I didn't get it and pox dreams where I was too delirious to know who was looking after me -
I - I don't know - I didn't remember but if he thinks I ought to have put it together quicker, looked Aly up sooner -
It's not the sort of situation that comes up a lot! In particular it was not under discussion when we got engaged or while I was dying or while we had our tasteful autumn wedding!
I know! Apparently Aly wanted one too! It was on a beach and it was positively lovely and oh hell what do I say to him.
Kib takes a deep breath. I'll go to Lapis and look him up, I've got his full name. Aydanci Evaret. I'll figure it out from there, I don't know how the last eighteen years have been to him.
Forty-two or forty-three I guess, I don't have his creche date but he was about Aly's age.