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...So were you offering oral sex or just asking for in general?

He stands up. Crosses his arms. Sighs. Do you realize how late my letters are going to be?

And gets back into bed. Play with my hair, please.

Kib can do that.


Then they shall have a substantially delayed start to the morning.


Sorry about your letters.


Remember what I said your first week here, about how I liked to have all my time occupied but could not really be said to be busy? That was before stork funding got added to the agenda; now I am legitimately busy. I am enjoying it.


Kiss and sneaking off to get on with the rest of the day.

The day will be uninterrupted.


The scriber will be farther along in that frustratingly infinitesmal way that means "the program has been checked over another time but nothing new has been written down or etched in".


Melkor will stop by the palace in the evening, asking for him.


...okaaaaay? Kib will go meet him.


Terribly sorry, he says from across the room before Kib is in static range, I meant to watch you at your work, not interrupt it. I am curious about golemmaking.


It might be more efficient for you to learn my language and read the books about it.


The Crown Prince Curufinwë is not sharing, or do you have others?


No, those are all of them, I didn't realize he was hoarding them all, surely he can't literally read more than one at the same time?


I think he's hoarding out of competitiveness, not busyness, though if he can read several at once that would explain a great deal about him.


Huh. Why golems in particular and not the other kinds?


Well, I was told you'd be working on a golem; I'd watch you at the other two but it seems you do those less frequently. And I can create things that duplicate most of the purposes of your other magics. I cannot, though, create people, and golems might be able to be people.


Other four, technically, though admittedly only three involve programming. Golem people have never been done before, but it's not definitively ruled out. Why do you want to create people?


There are very few things the Valar cannot do. That's one of them. I have no intention of creating any people, but if it possible with your process that changes many of our assumptions about Eru's plan for the world.


I'm not sure Eru planned my world, magic system, or arrival, Kib points out. The design aesthetics seem very different.


You have no idea. But Eru planned this world, in great detail, and if your arrival was unplanned then so must be everything that follows from it.


How great detail?


Even the Valar cannot know enough of our own fates to enable us to change them, but in principle every moment is scripted at least until the birth of Men, and the broad strokes for Ages after that.


...that's. Weird.

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