This was inevitable, really
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A short, anonymous pamphlet is sold in city outside the central island for the audacious price of three coppers. The trial hasn't concluded yet, which is why the first person to publish its result will be paid a lot by everyone who doesn't know that!


In a long-awaited Trial presided over by the Queen Herself, the Magistrate upheld the Queen's Law and found Valia Wain GUILTY of MURDER and INCITEMENT, on too many counts to count!!!

A veritable Parade of the High Nobility of our fair Nation testified to Wain's PERFIDY, how she denounced them Falsely and most Treasonously, and carries their Noble BLOOD on her Hands, as truly as if she had wielded the very Knife.

The false Priestess made a great Show of Public Repentance, begging Iomedae and the Queen for mercy and the Wrongfully Dead for Forgiveness, but she received Only JUSTICE. Devoured by Hungry LIONS, her soul departed to face the Final JUDGE.

(The execution is then described in gory detail, with much wailing and gnashing of teeth (by Valia and the lions, respectively). Astute readers may recognize it as a bad pastiche of a popular play.)

So should all Evil Enemies of our Queen and her LAW beware, for so they all shall FALL.

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Awwww man they'd have gone to the event if they'd known there'd be lions.


It was actually lions? He's going to be rich!




Is it illegal to just shout in the streets "the revolution is betrayed! the revolution is betrayed!" while absolutely not forming a mob or anything? Only one way to find out. 



He does not usually look forward to returning to the Worldwound but he is looking forward to returning to the Worldwound. 


It's, uh. Legal? Probably? As long as he keeps not forming a mob or anything?


One of the men patrolling the streets tells Rocamorra to stop causing trouble, the trial's not even over yet.


"Am I under arrest?"


Well then he doesn't see the slightest reason to obey the demands of foreign soldiers here to crush the revolution. 


Sigh. When did Cheliax become so Galtan?


Lions found GUILTY, fed to Valia Wain

(distributed twenty minutes after the original pamphlet, a copy except with the lions and Valia substituted for each other)

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