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'Chelledad helps Nova and Zevran
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Panic flares in Zev as Nova lets him go, and immediately he tried to grab at him, to pull him back, terrified he was going for good.

Nova is quick though, and soon the door was closed and he has toast in his hands, Zev takes a few deep, shaky breaths. 


Nova sits back on the bed, shoulder not quite brushing against Zev's, and insistently holds the tray out towards him.


Zev is quick to make that shoulder actually touch. 

"I don't know if I can eat."


"Not sure I can either."


He looks at Nova. He can't ask him to eat when he himself won't. He wants to. Nova's skin and bone as it is. 

But he won't. Not today.

Instead he just leans his head on Nova's shoulder. "Maybe we'll try again later."


Nova hums quietly, sets the tray on the nightstand and cautiously wraps an arm around Zev.


Zev curls into the embrace, wrapping an arm around Nova's waist in return.


He starts humming quietly, a random tune he'd heard...somewhere, he's not sure where, thumb absently stroking Zev's shoulder.


Zev recognises it. He doesn't know what it's called, or who it's by, or where he knows it from, but he knows it.

He sings the words along to Nova's soft humming.


Nova just keeps humming, snuggled up to Zev, hoping that Zev'll fall asleep. (He won't leave this time, this time he'll stay.)


“...this time, I’ll hold on through...”

Zev can’t keep his eyes open any longer. 


Good. Good. Nova continues humming, hoping that Zev will get a few hours sleep.


It’s fitful, and sometimes his eyes flutter like he’s going to open them, but he does stay asleep. 


Eventually there's another quiet tap on the door.


Zev jolts awake, his heart already thumping wildly in the memory of last night.

He feels Nova’s arms around him, and tries to calm himself, taking in deep breaths. 


"M-m'here," Nova murmurs, feeling guilt that he's the reason Zev's so panicked.


"It's nearly lunchtime," Aaren calls softly. "And if you're up for it, I'd like to have a quick word with you somewhere that isn't your room."


Zev guesses what's he's going to talk about, and he thinks it's better coming from Aaren first. Then maybe Zev can reinforce it. 

"We should," he says into Nova's shoulder.


"I'll be in the living room."


Nova nods, silently, starts shifting so they can get off the bed. He's reluctant, doesn't want to hear Aaren say they have to leave but-

(But he hadn't thrown them straight out, had let them stay the night, had given them food, even if they hadn't eaten it...)


Zev stands (shakily), and takes a moment to gently kiss Nova's temple. "Doesn't matter what happens next. We're staying together."

He takes Nova's hand and leads him to the door.


Nova stays close to Zev as they make their way down the stairs.


Aaren looks up from the book he's reading as they step into the living room. "Thank you," he says. "I didn't want to have this conversation in your space."


He's not sure what that means, but he nods.

He sits down on the sofa, keeping Nova close.


Nova makes himself as small as he can beside Zev.

"I- m-m'sorry, sir," he mumbles.

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