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Bella introduces the concept of anonymous teacher reviews.


People are not going to criticize their crown prince of the recently recovered mother even anonymously.


Bella wonders if he is aware of this handicap of his.

He usually gets dinner at Bella's school of magic after his students have left, perching on the nearest piece of tall furniture. He is confused by the question.


"In schools back on my world there were surveys about how well the teachers were doing. Student evaluation forms. They were to help the teachers know where they weren't getting through to people effectively. They didn't always work, for various reasons; I think if I survey people you're teaching they won't tell you anything you might be doing wrong."


"I'm not doing anything wrong."


"I remember that you have sometimes been bothered by the prospect of someone telling you something whether it was true or not, even when you thought you did know the truth of the matter."


"Why wouldn't they tell me? Wouldn't you tell me?"


"I don't sit in on all your classes and I am not reading your students' minds, so I don't know all the things they might not know about how you're doing. They might not tell you because you're the prince or they're worried you might be fragile for family related reasons."


"You can read my students' minds. I can add it to the waivers."


"What do you think I'm going to say to that."

"No Fëanáro you're a bad person and I can see the hints of the evil future Fëanáro."


"Is that really what you thought I'd say?"




"Good, that would have been upsetting. What did you really think I'd say?"


"...No, that falls below my standard for consent on mind-reading and anyway doesn't address the underlying problem, if in fact you consider it a problem, plus it makes it all my job."


"It'd be a big problem if people thought I was incompetent and weren't telling me. But I can't make them tell me so I should just be super competent so they can't think that."


"Well, you can't make them tell you - and shouldn't try - but you can try to make sure you seem approachable, so if one of them is thinking about it they could feel like they could tell you."


"It's hard not to be approachable when you are three feet tall."


"I think that prevents you from being intimidating but not unapproachable."


"If I'm doing something wrong you should tell me what it is."


"I still don't sit on your classes and am still not reading your students' minds. My impression from what I have seen is that you're pretty good but kind of bossy, but I can't unpack for you how this is impacting your students because I'm not one of them, or reading their minds."


"If I wasn't kind of bossy they wouldn't take me seriously because I'm not even twelve yet."


"Are you sure?"

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