This is also when it occurs to Bella that she didn't tell Fëanáro the thing about how according to Olórin his script lasts a long time. When she's healed everybody she heads palaceward intending to mention that.
Bella plops down but waits to be addressed; it can be hard to tell if he is in a talking-and-clay mood or an introversion-and-clay mood.
"That sounds inconvenient," Bella says. "It might be easier sans necklace, if you had your heart set on it."
...Bella tells her. "But I call my parents by name when they're not listening."
"Well, I didn't for the first Year I was here so I'm trying to catch up."
"I'm working on the principles that crystal balls and long-distance messaging spells will share, and then I'll shelve crystal balls to finish up the messaging spells so people can talk to their loved ones back in the Outer Lands, and then: crystal balls."
"I guess, if the Valar don't want to make another trip. They've stated an objection to teleportation within Valinor but something that called a target to a place would probably not have the stated problem? I'll ask Olórin about that."