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"I'm thinking of giving a lecture on therapy and subtle arts as practiced in my plane."


"I expect it would be eagerly attended."


"That's the hope."


"Well, let me know if there's anything you need, all right?"


"I will!"


And someone waves urgently at him and he walks away, frowning.


Bella writes up a lecture that is remarkably subtle - for her - about subtle arts, the practice of therapy, and the sort of historical context she told Rúmil about, and sees about booking a lecture.

This one will probably have an even broader audience than the magic ones; they book her a large lecture hall, delightedly, and express astonishment at how many things she's doing all the time.

Yes, well, she does like to be busy.

She delivers her lecture. Subtle artists exist on her plane, and have this range of innate and developed ability! Incontinent mindreaders are a thing but they can usually be trained to stop that, which is good because insert spiel about the importance of privacy of thought. This is also the foundation of subtle arts therapeutic practice: confidentiality! And informed consent! This is the formal definition of informed consent. This is the not-in-the-local-sense-an-oath she took about this when she started her course of study. Here's how she was educated for the year of college she attended before she tripped and fell into Valinor, practicing doing things gently and without looking at anything she wasn't supposed to and being periodically lectured with her class about not being judgmental about the contents of people's minds. The following "therapeutic practices" are controversial and, in several places, illegal. To make the whole thing less passive-aggressive she includes a section on advanced psionic workings she has heard of but can't demonstrate, shows off some teekay, describes pyrokinesis, mentions lucid dreaming.

Rúmil attends, and beams the whole time. It is a little bit disruptive. There are debates in the public forums. She is invited to participate in those too.


...okay. What are public forum debates like around here?


People stand up and speak their piece, at considerable length, and then there's a brief exchange with someone who disagrees. They are very well-attended.


She shows up to them. (Although in case someone is unbearably longwinded she brings her notes on advanced arcane healing and things to teekay-fidget with.)


Everyone is unbearably longwinded, truth be told, but they're also talented speakers and they get almost immediately to the root of the question, which is whether it's right to use mind-altering abilities of any kind to change peoples' undesirable behaviors.


She thinks she has prooooobably seeded this discussion well enough that she doesn't need to be pushy about it. She listens in case something changes her opinion.


Well, it doesn't sound like they're going to adopt professional consent standards any time soon. But there is definitely a discussion seeded. There is very much a discussion seeded. People are only implying their opponents are homosexuals a little bit.


How mature of them.


No sign of whether any of this will trickle back to Mandos.

Well. She can be patient about things that are as scary as all that.

But she goes back to Lórien after her de-fuzzing option has had a chance to circulate among the target population anyway.

They are surprisingly non-angry about learning what exactly happened. Some of them would appreciate some de-fuzzing, some of them figure that whatever they worked out with Mandos was for the best.


She's not going to push it. She will sit with whoever wants to be defuzzed and go sweep sweep sweep.


It takes a long time. But it does work, just fine, no real complications.


She keeps half an ear on the debates, but right now she's focusing mostly on arcane healing. Does Fëanáro want to help or is he consumed by the mechanical loom?

Distractible as he is, 'arcane healing' is able to tempt him away from the loom whenever he's got any mana or is just tired of sitting still. He is also very enthusiastic about Rúmil having eyes.

Good. So's she.

It might come down to just flooding him with enough positive energy; but they should also be sure there's a way to feel around any detail work that needs doing in the process and handle runoff if there's an energy overshoot. Lots of little kinks to work out. It might take them a whole week.
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