"Sure, as soon as I can ward off the time-slidey thing. I might come to visit, even, if I need a vacation in there somewhere, a while spent not-time-slidey can lead to needing a vacation and timeslideyness isn't awful for the purpose as long as I manage to leave on a schedule. But I really don't expect to be gone longer than half a Year, probably less. I literally accomplished in the time I've been here what I'd have optimistically expected in a tenth of the time without this effect. I'll come back with all kinds of cool stuff to show you."
"I actually suggested bringing you along to talk to Manwë, but Rúmil pointed out that it might make it hard to socialize or something, being in Valinor without the time-slidey. So I'll test it out for like a few weeks and see if it makes me antisocial but yeah, I should be able to cast it on you just fine."
"Yes, but you're very good at accomplishing things already and you might lose more than you gain if there's an intense effect."
"I am not going to promise to make a tradeoff I don't know the magnitude of for you."
"You have accomplished several things but believe me I understand the frustration and if the spell doesn't make everything horrible for some reason I will totally cast it on you."
And she gives him a big squishy hug.
And she goes and asks Olórin if he wants to come along for magical research assistance.
And she takes all her luggage - one acquires so many possessions when one is a well-known alien in a gift economy - and heads off to catch a Teleri boat.
Off come the glasses. She starts poking at the principles of light; the spell spell she has doesn't last but if she can wrench off some of it the way enchanters do with things like "heat" and whatnot she might be able to make enough to see by. She makes a little progress on this during the boat ride.
Maybe somebody dropped an oar. She thanks everybody and disembarks; one of her necklaces is now faintly glowing, although she's not sure how long it'll keep up with that.
Some people live here, right? She didn't get around to actually learning to build a house. It will probably take her at least a week to get a magic house arranged even if that's her top priority. Maybe she can crash with somebody. In she hikes, dragging wheeled luggage. (Wheels: they caught on.)
Bella is kind of a house person. She will prioritize a magic house, and in the meanwhile under the stars is fine. She already feels a little clearer-headed out here. She can probably get it done real fast. She glows her necklace a little harder and starts work.