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Oh right, glass is new. I think people basically - inflate it, to make it different shapes? Like - A vague image of glassblowing with hot glass.


That's brilliant. I'm sure everyone back home will be excited to see it; it's so pretty.


How'd it go? Or are you not allowed to tell us?


I can't tell you anything about the therapy part. This was mostly about getting to know each other so she'd be more comfortable, though. Which is why she's wearing my shoes; they're magic, they do dexterity and her hands were shaking when she wanted to try writing.


Rúmil then explains the idea of writing. I want to design symbols meant to correspond specifically to the sounds of our language; can I do that?


Sure you could. You could even do a better job than the Draconic alphabet does for Pax, we've got a lot of irregularities because it's a borrowed alphabet but you could just have one letter per sound.

I'll try that. It's such a clever idea.
Everyone agrees on this, and peppers her with questions about the inventors and uses of writing.

She continues not to know who the inventors are but she could talk about the uses all day! Signs and books and leaving notes when you're not where someone expected you to be and carriage schedules and complicated math you can't do in your head and charts and diagrams and outlines and calligraphy and did she mention books and magic scrolls and written music and signed artwork and labels on plants in botanical gardens and monuments and room numbers and writing is so great you guys


They seem very persuaded, People pepper Rúmil with so many suggestions that eventually he has to shake his head and beg some silence to think and walk away.




No, dear, it's lovely, everything's happening in Tirion and it's good for us all to get some inventive excitement up here.


Giggle. I should learn Quenya. But I think it'll be easier once there's an alphabet because I'm used to learning everything with writing, even if I have to write it myself.


I know what we could do!! one of Miriel's attendants says excitedly. We've been inventing new words for all the things we now need words for. And instead of inventing them, we could borrow them from words in your tongue, like we did a little with words in the Valarin tongue! So we can come up with nice-sounding Quenya for all the things you were just talking about, books and scrolls and schedules...


Sure! And Bella tells them Pax words for books and scrolls and schedules and so on.


They toy with Quenya alternatives, saying the words hundreds of times to see which holds up best, is most musical.


Bella can contribute some aesthetic opinions, but it's their language it has to sound nice in.


When Rúmil returns people are singing a song that they seem to have developed on the spot, made up of Quenya adaptations of words for books and language and writing.


Bella is trying to sing along but mostly giggling helplessly.


He, on the other hand, picks up the tune at once. How about words for other things you have? Universities and classes and studies, things like that?


She provides these merrily.


And lutes! says the woman who she played music for. And other creations like that?


Bella starts naming musical instruments and providing mental images. It's sort of hard to list every musical instrument she's ever heard of but she skips around by category and then starting letter of the alphabet until she's all out of instruments she can call to mind.

Afterwards there's a contented silence.

I always feel so guilty, someone muses, laughing in front of Miriel.

Well, she's asleep.

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