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There was a being who operated that way in this world. The Valar crumbled continents in the war to destroy him and ensure that never, ever again - to anyone - that's the other reason I haven't gotten my eyes fixed, even if they can't make me see they could certainly make them look normal, but I don't want people to forget -

Your King! A man held in honor!

I don't mean to imply this comes up frequently, just that they'd take it lethally seriously should it occasion to.


There are some lines you don't cross on any occasion. Harming a prisoner is one of them.


And if I got arrested for graffitiing a public building I'm sure I would eventually pop out none the worse for wear, but there's a range.


If your Emperor knew himself to be utterly safe, that if he died Mandos would put him right back, perhaps he'd have affordance to be kinder.


Actually, the Emperor would probably be resurrected right away if he got assassinated, he can certainly afford it and the one we have now isn't unpopular with the major churches or anything, but a sufficiently sophisticated plot could do something less reversible to him.


Well, I should probably concern myself only with problems of the realm that I'm present in. And they're on their way back, so perhaps we'll know more about glass soon.

I'm not really qualified to explain the Imperial justice system anyway, I lack criminal inclinations.


I'd noticed. I'm impressed that you didn't immediately hide when you realized you were in a palace, and try to sneak out.


I'm not very sneaky and Fëanáro seemed confident I'd be okay.


Which he was right about, but could probably have been more reassuring, or offered to escort you and get everything sorted.


He wasn't done hiding.


So he told me.


Anyway, it was scary but I seem to have survived the experience.

We are all very glad.

Mahtan and his daughter walk in, looking exuberant. "Aulë says that was brilliant and should work," he says, projecting a translation. "We'll want limestone and soda ash to get a better composition, but we have both, so -" he starts pulling things down from shelves.

Oh good.


The girl isn't quite strong enough to get the forge going, but she does everything else. Rúmil contentedly 'watches' them work.


So does Bella.


A few hours later, of the twenty different mixes they've tried, two are clearly most tinted-glasses-like. Delighted, Mahtan starts sanding them down into the right shape.


Is this also the right place to get a frame for them?


Yes. Nerdanel, do you want to make the frame? It's wire, looks like this... He sends an image. She scrambles up onto a chair and then onto the worktable and pulls some wire and some tools out.


...Well, she's probably at least Bella's age, perhaps she actually knows how. Bella watches, and eventually says, You might need to measure my face.


I can see it, she says, looking startled.


...You can just eyeball how far apart everything has to be like that? I couldn't do that.


I can teach you if you'd like to learn. It just takes practice. I could make a perfect sculpture of you, if I had the right rock and could keep looking, and that's harder.

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