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You can walk if you prefer.


It should be fine, and it'll be faster.


All right. Travel safely.

Permalink, who am I going with?


I'll assign you an escort, I'm considering who right now. Is there anyone you'd particularly desire as an assistant?


I haven't met very many people yet, mostly just Rúmil.


He'll go, Finwë says, and then picks out a dozen others, some of them present and some of whom messengers scurry off to find.


Bella works on calming herself down, for lack of anything else to immediately respond to.


A summons like this must be urgent, because all the requisitioned people arrive within a few minutes.


Any sign of the introductory textbook?


Not yet. They start gathering supplies to leave. After a few minutes someone comes in with the textbook and with Fëanáro clinging to it.


"I need that," Bella tells him. "There are other books I don't need in a stack in my house plot. You can look at the ones with bindings like that but please don't take the ones with spiral wire on the edges."


You said I could have it.


"I didn't know I was going to need it when I said that."

The King says something to him in Quenya. He drops the book. He stands there looking utterly miserable, not looking at her at all.

The King hands her the book.

She takes it. "Sorry," she tells Fëanáro. "If I had another copy of this one I would let you have it."

He still doesn't look at her.

Thank you, Finwë says. Let me know when you've arrived. Let me know at once if there's any news. Come back here if things get worse, whether or not she did it.

Bella is quiet.

And they hurry off.

In your world, Rúmil asks, if the emperor gets unwell, does no one treat him for fear of the retaliation if he gets worse?

No, they treat him, but I think some people cope better with being afraid than I do. And they're usually - retained long term in the capacity as the Emperor's personal healers, not called suddenly in an emergency, there's a background relationship and trust.


In a world as dangerous as yours I'm surprised you get by without a way of coping with being afraid.


The best strategy I'm aware of is avoiding the scary things, not learning to deal with them. Trying to learn to deal with them has a high fatality rate. I was going to be a therapist and read a lot of books and give to charity and probably on balance decide the place wasn't fit to have children in and that was going to be it, no royalty or gods or anything.


He nods. Then I'm all the more grateful you offered to help here.


Well, if I didn't do anything scary here I'd probably just curl up in a ball and cry constantly, so. Anyway, I do have professional ethics even if I don't have conventional courage.


Valinor seems strictly less terrifying than your world, our deeply unhappy and frightened King notwithstanding. And - you wondered aloud, in there, at what point we'd stop him, if he tried to hurt you - immediately.

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