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Worships me? I didn't invent writing or anything, anybody in my country could have made a hash of teaching him to read like I did... It didn't come up, anyway.


He literally did not stop trying to explain your writing to me for all of Laurelin's hours, and only stopped when they ended because he was dragged off to bed.


...Awww. Should I tell him or not tell him how old I am? Are you related to the family or a friend of theirs or what?


I am an old friend of Finwë's, and Miriel's, but don't spend much time in the palace these days. I see through others' eyes, with osanwë, and that regrettably seems to involve picking up all their emotions, like a sponge. Lately I've felt both invasive, in Finwë's presence, and exhausted every time I try it. I have a good friend who dislikes the city even more than me and helps me on my work when I'm outside it, and so I've been visiting as often as I do only for Fëanáro's sake.


Have you seen through my eyes or is that not something you do with strangers?

When we were walking down to Mahtan's. I wouldn't have been able to navigate the path otherwise. I can't sense your emotions; I assumed that was related to the subtle arts you've spoken of.


Okay, that was going to be my next question. I'm sort of defensively oriented in subtle arts but I didn't know if my shields would work with osanwë or not or if it'd work that selectively without my attending to it. I don't mind if you use my sight to navigate but I would have been very upset if you'd gotten emotions from it.


I likewise prefer not to. Your thoughts are silent except when you're speaking to us. Most people don't shield their vision, because I'm the only one who uses that.


If you ever need a shielded seeing-eye person, well, here I am. I might or might not be able to put blocks in so somebody else could do the same thing but it would be potentially nearly as invasive as emotion leaks are in the first place so I don't know if there'll be any interest. ...The Valar can't give your sight back...?


They find biology extremely confusing. They offered to give me an entirely new body, but I'm attached to this one. I'm sure it'll get sorted out eventually.


Oh. How is everybody so sure that I'm not going to die of old age here if the Valar find biology so confusing?


Even the smallest animal doesn't die of age here, and they do in Endorë. Preventing all decay they do effortlessly. It's rebuilding things that interact with our brains that seems complicated. Their senses - don't work the same way at all.


Oh. Well, maybe they'll figure it out. Whatever my complaints about the gods at home, their mortal agents have really effective healing magic.


The Valar created everything else in the world, and know everything about its workings. But they didn't create us, and they're learning to understand us as quickly as they can. It doesn't either pain or limit me, so I'm content to bide my time.


Would a new body be - the same only healed, or random, or can they make them how people want them...?


It's supposed to take the shape your soul thinks you are, but 'thinks you are' isn't the same as 'wants' and many of us who have been injured for a long time have a confused sense of what our real body is.


Huh. I wonder what I'd wind up looking like if something happened to me and I had to be reembodied. I like how I look fine, and I don't think I usually - imagine myself taller or something, but maybe I'd be surprised.


Most people come back looking the same as they had. One person was a different gender, that was unexpected. I suppose we'll know more in more time. Flatbread?


Sure, thank you. Flatbread. Nom.


Have more questions come to mind?


Um... I gather everything I'd normally expect to be handled with money is handled as a gift instead, which seems - really nice, given how well you've gotten it working, but I'm not clear on how it's handled if there's scarcity - not necessarily of stuff, you seem to have lots of stuff, but like what if dozens of people wanted a specific person's expertise?


Then that person would decide some combination of where it's needed first and who they'll most enjoy working with.


What would happen if someone didn't want to do anything that anybody else found useful?


Even make other people feel appreciated and compliment their progress? Then I guess people might decide not to give that person any gifts.


I haven't figured out any non-gift way to get, um, food. I'm not given to idleness personally and if compliments do the trick that's easy but I'm just wondering if somebody could starve that way.

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