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It's all right, I can sense your mind from a ways away and be careful when I'm places I expect you. The important thing is that you get to go back to your life. If you'll tell Finwë we're repeating the process and let me know when you're ready...


So she does, and then turns back to Bella unhappily. Go ahead.


And Bella adds the most recent episode's oath-related content to things Miriel shall forget, and opaques it along with everything else.


Put it back, she says.


In a month, Bella says, and she darts out of the room and goes to Lórien.


Miriel's attendants have all gone home; Lórien is empty save for Maiar keeping a polite distance and, on one occasion, a young woman who'd hurt herself and had to get fixed.

It is still a reasonable place to be inaccessible to Miriel and conduct unsafe experiments! She's run out of combinations with nondamaging spells. The one that only works on undead is probably safe, but if she changes the wrong thing it might not be.

...Does the young woman who hurt herself happen to know how to find Olórin? She should maybe do this part with Power supervision and she can probably handle a friendly interested Maia at this point.
She does, and happily bobbles off into the forest to find him, and happily bobbles out a few hours later with him.

Hello again, dear , he says happily. How goes the experimenting?

Well! I've run out of combinations that are almost certainly safe, though, everything else will have to borrow something from a combat spell. Seemed silly to do that without anybody looking on. I shouldn't be channeling enough power to actually kill myself, but lose a limb or knock myself unconscious is definitely possible.


Oh dear. I'd be happy to try some of them if you teach me how - I am reasonably sure that even Taniquetil crashing down on our heads would have no effect on me, here - or otherwise supervise you to prevent or minimize disaster.

It... had not actually occurred to her to teach him magic! But it makes sense! Okay, I can teach you the component spells in their pure forms and explain the combinations I have in mind.

First, she's got an ice spell! It goes like this. It invites the following combinatorial explosion.

Delightful! Shall we begin trying them?

Sure. I can keep up a divination to see if any of them have results. I bet you have more mana than I do, so if you can do the combinations fast enough to fit a bunch in each divination duration it'll make me redundant slower.

And she casts her detection spell and poises her pen.

And he starts casting iterations, his expression somehow solemn and enraptured.


Most of them, as usual, are duds; combining the acid spell with a frost spell gesture results in a perfectly functional but slightly differently shaped acid spell, and a few others produce no discernible effect but aura.


No explosions at all, he says a little regretfully when she's run out of divinations for the day.


Do you want to explode something on purpose? she snorts. Well, not explode, I don't have an explosion, but damage.


No, no, that'd be terribly rude, these are Lórien's gardens and I am his guest and his servant. But if it were an accident, well, that wouldn't be our fault.


Ah, I see. Well, if there is anything around that would actually benefit from being on fire or frozen...


They light wildfires in the plains, sometimes. It's good for the plants! But here, no, not particularly. I hear there are all kinds of foods that benefit from being frozen. Is the spell not safe enough to try in Tirion?


My aim's not very good. Maybe I can figure out a touch-based ice spell. D'you want to freeze a fruit?


So he tries to ice blast a fruit tree.


...That wasn't what she meant, and the ray is not big enough to get much of the tree in the attack, but he does get a few fruits. She goes and picks one.


Taste any different?



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