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He will have to restrain himself from taking everything, they can't carry it all.


He manages to only take a few of his favorite things from everywhere, though he does demand that everyone bring more things to the palace for him to look at later.


"What is Quenya for 'please'," inquires Bella, after she forms the suspicion that it does not appear in these demands.


Rúmil tells her.


And has it been appearing in Fëanáro's demands?


It has not.


"Fëanáro, it turns out Quenya has a word for 'please'," she remarks. "You might find it useful when you're asking for stuff, especially if you want delivery."


"They're not like you, they aren't scared of me."


"It would still be nice," she says. "They're being nice to you, giving you stuff, and you could be nice back."


"I'm being nice to them by wanting their stuff, I wouldn't want it if it wasn't beautiful and well-crafted."


"That doesn't mean you couldn't be nicer, or that you shouldn't. Why do you dislike saying please so much?"


"Feels like admitting I'm an imposition."


"Are you? You just said you were being nice by wanting their stuff. I don't see how you're claiming to want the stuff less if you say please."


So Fëanáro says please can everyone bring all their beautiful things to him.


Good. He gets a hug for that at a convenient interval.


He's moving very very fast. Enter a store, demand to know things, compliment things, identify the most impressive things, compliment them more, ask dozens more questions, leave with things, next store. He looks happier than she's seen him.


Good. She is proud of herself for her idea. And she's curious about a lot of the things, too, although she'll get her explanations from Rúmil - it's only fair for you to be ears for me, after all - rather than interrupting Fëanáro.


Rúmil is more than happy to be ears for her, and explain the kinds of magic that they've started to learn since coming here, the kinds of magic that they knew even beside Cuivienen, and all the things that are known through experimentation and aren't magic at all.


Bella mentions that it turns out that while the Valar are "not magic", magic items are! Maybe eventually the systems will integrate.


This is fascinating. It makes sense that the Valar and the things they make aren't magic, or the whole world would register as magic, since they created it.


Good point! They might also just count as "outsiders" (relative to her own plane, where the spell was invented).


Sometime you're going to have to tell me all about your world, I feel like I'm always hearing more. But we can wait until Fëanáro's done on this tear of his.


How long do you think he'll go? I've been tending to sleep for most of each silver period.


I can drag him back to the palace at the Mingling, if we reassure him he'll be allowed to go out again.



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