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We're very lucky that you remember enough to piece this all together.


I like magic. I wasn't concentrating on it because it would have tempted me into unhealthy habits and it's a less clear career path. Here they're not unhealthy and the career path is 'completely pioneer the entire field'.


He beams at her. It really seems like you stumbled into the right world for you.


It's nice! And the ways it's not up to the standards I'm used to I can just kind of fix, like mentioning glass, or I'm going to have to invent the magic launderer, etcetera.


Magic launderer?


So you don't have to hand-wash your clothes or line-dry them? You just put them in a box and they come out clean. I don't even actually know how to hand-wash clothes.


That will be exceedingly popular.


Of course it will, who likes doing laundry? There's probably more things like that.


Your world has definitely had more time to invent and discover than ours. But in a hundred years I expect we'll be able to call it even, and then we can just keep growing from there.


That's the hope!


When you have time, I'd love to learn some magic.


Sure! Now? The scrolls are all in my neglected guest room.


If it's convenient! We are likely to be interrupted by a princeling as soon as he's awake.


He can learn a spell too. Well, cast one. I parsed a scroll for him of a spell that does a variety of things over a longish period of time based on caster will, sort of a cheat to help him sit still. I could teach you that one or the sound one or one that leaves a signature on things; all the other introductory type ones are hazardous or in one case make lights.


I'd love the one to help him sit still.

I think I can get to and from the room without running into Miriel -

And she goes and gets scrolls, and looks at the Prestidigitation one for Rúmil, and explains what all its bits are.

He learns almost as quickly as Fëanáro picked up the sound spell.


And now he has an hour to try out the effects! This is how I've been cleaning my clothes, she says. When I don't just pick up new ones out of my gift heap.


Oh, useful! Is a magic launderer even better, or is it just that people don't want to waste magical energy on a thing that can be done with a device?


Not everybody knows the spell and it takes more time and attention than just dumping a whole batch of things into the launderer at once, she says. Plus the energy thing. Still better than scrubbing them though.


I've never found scrubbing clothes to be particularly unpleasant. It certainly sounds like a delightful convenience, though. Peoples' lives are going to be so effortless. I know people who worried when we came here that without any effort we'd all be at loose ends. But really I think we're all at more meaningful ends.


I've never actually done it, you understand, but it seems dreadfully boring. Tedious things aren't worth effort if you can do them some other way.


I think some people find tidying in various forms to be intrinsically satisfying, and some people are eager to banish the need with enough cleverness. I'm certainly the latter kind, but the lovely thing is that people who still find it satisfying can keep doing it.


Yep. Not going to make anybody take home a launderer of their own, that would be silly.


What else can prestidigitation do?

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