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By midday they have some delightful house designs and her host gets up to fetch a great many of some obscure kind of nut which bursts open into delicious flavorful bites when set on fire.


Ooh! And what are these called? She will put it on her list of food.


She has a list of food? Writing is such a clever idea, she should take that list downtown and everyone will be thrilled to have their inventions included on it.


Sounds like a plan! Although she's just transliterating into Pax; Fëanáro and Rúmil are the ones working on an actual Quenya alphabet.


Rúmil's brilliant, shame about what happened to him, it's not at all surprising that he's inventing all these fascinating new things. Fëanáro's a beautiful child, so sad the Queen's been so ill.


Bella is very responsible about patient confidentiality so she just agrees that Rúmil is brilliant and Fëanáro adorable (and also brilliant).


She leaves with lots of the savory firenuts, revised drawings, and the promise of the designer that construction can begin at once.

Yay! She appreciates that.

She saves some firenuts for later and goes into the square to have something more substantial for lunch and learn what it is all called.

Once word gets out about what she's doing she's outright surrounded by people offering her every kind of delicacy and a name for it. Then someone points out they're being rude and everyone backs off to a respectable distance, still waving food and calling names at her.


Perhaps they could form a line? Also, she definitely can't taste it all today.


Lines might also be a new idea, from the reaction that gets, but they do.

They can call them "bella lines".

She writes down foods, tastes especially tempting-smelling things.

After a while, everyone who has a food they'd like named has gotten its name written down.


And she heads back to the palace, evades Miriel's mental signature, and checks the courtyard for an adorable child.


He's back! He's writing contentedly, perched in a tree.


"Hi! How are you doing?"


"I got another four pages and I got a prototype of my writer-thing working but only with two letters, so then just as an exercise I designed an alphabet with two letters, which was fun but not very useful. I tried prestidigitation again but it still didn't work. Probably because I haven't rested."


"That is probably why, yes. Most of my experiments didn't do anything. Also, Valar stuff doesn't seem to count as magic at least to a cantrip divination."


"Huh. I wonder if magic necklaces and things would register as magic to you? My mother has one but I don't want to go get it from her room because I don't want to run into her."


"I don't know. Are there any other locally magic things I could check? - Or, how thick are the walls of the palace?"


"Not very thick, that's how they let all the light through. Why?"


If they're less than a foot thick they won't block the spell and I can check the necklace from outside unless the room's very far from the edge of the building.


He shows her where it is on a floorplan of the palace.


And she makes sure Miriel isn't in the way and goes to within spell range and casts.


Yes, that's magic.

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