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Well, he's not acting scary. This is usually not a metric she likes to rely on, but that's for reasons that don't apply here -

Is there - anything you'd like me to explain, or -?

Only if it won't be too much trouble for you, dear. I'm very curious what you're doing, how you learned it, and what you hope will result, but I have no desire to distract you.


I'll probably run out of mana for the day soon anyway, I can only do so much at a time. Um, I'm doing experiments on wizardry spells I learned in my own world to see if I can figure out what all the parts are doing and make educated guesses about how to make more spells, since I can't just go look them up, here.


You've gotten some interesting effects.


It could be that the ones I've marked as doing nothing are just doing something really inconspicuous - actually I should re-run them with a divination on, if I can finagle the double concentration - but mostly nothing really useful yet.


Best of fortune.

Thank you.

She casts a detect magic, holds it until it builds all the way, and then, closing her eyes firmly and c o n c e n t r a t i n g, casts one of her duds again. Okay, that one really didn't work. She goes through as many duds as she can until she loses the divination - four, that's not bad - one of them registers a signature, which she marks.

The Treelight is changing colors in the sky above them.


She decides to call it a day. She closes up her notebook and goes foraging in the garden, glancing at the Maia now and then.


I'm sorry, am I making you nervous? It's a big forest and I can certainly find somewhere else to be. Wizardry is just the cleverest idea I've ever heard of and I admire how systematically you're going about it.


Um, in my world powerful beings are seldom safe to be around so I have some lingering nervousness. I'm trying to get over it but I'm not to the point of ignoring you yet. Anyway I'll be out of mana soon and that recharges best with sleep and may or may not also recharge best from not-completely-empty.


My apologies. I can visit again in a few years once you're less nervous and I am accordingly less of a distraction. Good luck and good night.




And the sky is blazing white above her. He wanders off, humming.


She eats her late dinner and sits up notebooking about scary beings and finds a shady place and sleeps.


The light is golden when she wakes up, and the ground beneath her has grown very soft and bed-like and cushion-y.

How nice of it!

Breakfast. Interestingly flavored leaves for Fëanáro and herself. Courtyard.

Fëanáro's not there. Rúmil is. He fell asleep waiting for you and Finwë carried him in to bed.


Well, when he wakes up he'll have his mana back and can try more spells. She sets out leaves and flavor labels for later before she forgets which ones are basil and which ones are coconut. A Maia called Olórin watched me experimenting yesterday.


Oh, I know him! If you need help with anything he'll probably be helpful.


I tried to ignore him when he said not to let him distract me, and wasn't very good at it, and explained what I was doing, and then he asked if he was making me nervous and I admitted that he kinda was and he said he'd come back in a few years. I don't think it'll take me that long but I assume I can go - find him somewhere if I want.


Did you discover anything interesting?

Some of my 'dud' combinations are producing magical signatures but no obvious effects. So they do something, although it's entirely magically possible for 'something' to be 'produce a magical signature'. I found some silly useless combinations and one arguably useful one.


Not bad, for a single day's work. Do you understand what any of the components you're switching are doing?


I think the component of prestidigitation I attached to the arcane mark was something about - I want to call it capaciousness? But I'll need more results before I can be confident about that.

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