Kiraavi in The Wandering Inn
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The jeweler peers it over with a looking-glass and mutters a few skills to himself, before pronouncing a bid of four gold for the set.

"You'd get a better price somewhere that'll looking to resell," the jeweler admits. "I'd be breaking it down for the materials, which is a bit of a shame for a nice set like this, but I'll buy it if you'll sell it."


"I'm in a bit of a rush today, so I'll take the four gold, but thank you for letting me know. I'll have to remember you next time I come into something that's damaged."


Then he can be enmoneyed.


The secretary says when they leave, "Do you want to head to the Runner's Guild and send your vial? You'd need someone to... receive it. At least on paper."


"Are there any relevant - schools, guilds, things like that - that we could send me to the head of? Or some relevant department? I should be able to pay my way once I'm there, that's not a problem."


"You might try the Admissions Office of the Scholarium? That's the magical academy of Fissival, the foremost in Izril. The Admissions Office probably gets a lot of mail and doesn't aggressively filter it, and the local Runners will know how to route it; that's why I suggest it and not the Headmaster. I don't know if they'll dump out a vial on the ground just because a letter told them to; is that necessary, or can you create an avatar from inside the vial?"


"I can't create things from a vial but I can hold a conversation. Though come to think of it I may want to send something slightly larger so I can make at least small things. Usually in a case like this the Courier would be one of my priests, so I wouldn't need to worry about talking someone into turning me out."


"Perhaps you should ask if Senator Jealwind has an associate in Fissival you can send to," she suggests.


The senator is just about finishing up the report for intelligence.


"Good idea."

"Excuse me. I'm looking into having part of myself brought to Fissival to ask some questions about magic, and I'm wondering if you happen to know anyone there who might be a good choice to receive me."


He's on good terms with a Mage Lord of the Teleportarium. He can write a letter of introduction.


That makes it easy. He sends his avatar to go get it.

"Is there anything else I should obviously be doing right now?" he asks, when he gets there. "I'm not sure whether you're all right with me putting a tent on my land claim or whether I should find someplace else for my avatar overnight, most obviously."


"If you have money, it would better to rent a room in a inn. Sleeping outside the walls would be an unusual thing to do, so if word goes around, some of the senators might not take you as seriously. Not by a lot, we're not Salazsar, but it doesn't sound worth the risk."

The senator's also going to hand off the mysterious censorship effect report.


"I don't sleep, but I can afford to stay at an inn, sure. Can you recommend one?" Sometimes it matters, he knows from watching his priests navigate this sort of thing.


He'll recommend an upscale one on the 8th floor. He's not sure why Kiraavi needs a place to stay overnight if he doesn't sleep, but it's probably mysterious "god" things and he's not going to ask.


He doesn't, that was the point of mentioning it, but wandering the streets tends not to go over very well, at least in human places, and he doesn't know what if anything is open overnight. He'll rent a room for tonight, anyway - he can sell some more jewelry for it if need be - and get the letter of recommendation and a shallow metal bowl on their way to Fissival, and then check the angle of the shadows to get an idea of how much time is left in the day.


The mailing process is smooth and uneventful, though even a small bowl as opposed to a vial or a letter will cost him six silver extra. Fancy inn is five silver a night, so what he's got is plenty enough to cover it. It's late afternoon but not quite evening. All the stores are still open.


At this point, his priest would be shopping for offering trinkets, or asking about the local god, neither of which is really an option here. (Or, he could go shopping, but for various reasons that doesn't seem like a good use of his time.) Instead, he'll see what there is to see around here - are there museums? plays? are people gathering anywhere in particular?


There doesn't seem to be plays. There are museum-ish looking places—exhibits and collections for technology or history or art—but it's not clear if they're meant to be open to the random public, or only by invitation. Won't stop Kiraavi, of course. They don't look secret, if that's a worry.

There are some small parks, designed to be relaxing and atmospheric while space-efficient without feeling crowded, where residents are strolling or reading. There's a sort of obstacle course with sections for all ages, featuring some self-moving parts that might be a combination of magic and engineering; it's hard to tell at a glance, but he could probably figure out if he cared to study it.

On the 9th floor, above, there are some spaces where craftsmen appear to be doing... tech demos? Lectures? Individuals explaining their craft to an open audience, with varying complexity, while they work on a demonstrative piece. Someone's giving a talk to young-looking Drakes and Gnolls on the basic principles of alchemy.

On the middle floors of the city, he'll find restaurants and bars and markets, less of the hullabaloo of the sprawling bazaars on the first and second floor, more targeted for the citizens of the city. There are plazas and benches and pedestrian-only streets, and buskers playing music or performing tricks for money.


Oooh, an alchemy lecture, that looks like a good use of his evening.


Alchemy is about taking the natural properties of materials, and extracting, refining, expressing, and resynthesizing them in different ways! A lot of [Alchemists] at a high level have Skills to supernaturally enhance or add entirely independent effects into a potion, but that's the exception, not the rule. You don't need Skills to make a healing potion, and you don't need to know magic either!

The Drake is going to show off how to make an simple burn salve from aloe gel, Sage's Grass, cooking oil, beetroot, and honey. You can do this at home with ingredients from the store! The salves you can get from an alchemist's is a lot more complicated than this, but the basic principles are the same.

It's a bit of a lengthy process for how few ingredients there are. Stop adding the active base when the beetroot turns yellow. Heat until the oil layer starts glowing blue. Repeat the solvent washing until when you add salt to a sample, no solid precipitates.

The output is a vial of viscous gel that emits a faint turquoise glow.


Weird! Can he duplicate the vial of gel?


It's not glowing when he duplicates it.


Can he find a store with the relevant ingredients and equipment to try the procedure overnight in his hotel room?


It'll take some finding to get the type of portable hot plate the demonstrator used, since his room doesn't have any heating elements, but it's certainly doable. The innkeeper would probably not be terribly happy with this use of the lodgings, though. Of course, the innkeeper is not by default hanging around searching his guests' shopping for sketchy goods.


Well, Kiraavi certainly isn't going to intuit that this wouldn't be welcome on his own.

Fortunately one of his acolytes catches on to what he's doing while he's getting the equipment set up and warns him. He relocates his acquisitions to his land claim - it's not big enough for a full-sized underground room, unless he wants to risk destabilizing the area with insufficiently reinforced walls, but he can store a few small things underground there - and instead direct his attention elsewhere for the evening. 


Activity quiets down as the night lengthens, but the street lights stay on, albeit dimmed, and there'll be people on the streets even at midnight, and some stores and bars run 24/7. The archives he was at earlier aren't currently in range, but some buildings identifiable as government facilities are open with a skeleton crew overnight.

Senator Jealwind is still awake drafting documents until almost midnight; he's put the vial on a table in his home office.

Nothing much happens that's interesting, though.

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