These past days have seen many criminals executed by what was called the Mercy of the Final Blade. The action of such a Blade is to obliterate the souls of all mortals slain by it, that it may never see Judgement. This is a fashion of lawless Galt, come lately to our shores. It must not be allowed to take root here.

To divert any soul from its true fate is an abomination against Pharasma upon whom all Creation rests. Perverting Her intended course for mortal souls is to defy Her unfathomable wisdom in fashioning the world; furthermore it is the utmost foolishness to spurn Her, the unquestionable mightiest of all gods, and most especially in our Country that is now so deficient in divine favour. Let us not repudiate the devils of Hells only to instead imitate the daemons of Abaddon: the destruction of a soul is the most profound of evils, that can never be mended even to the end of Creation. To wreak this fate against the guilty is no mercy; should any verdict err, no greater horror can be contemplated. Turn away from this sin, and towards the firm path of Pharasma.

The author calls upon Her Majesty the Queen to order Her magistrates retract this option from their sentencing; and for the delegates of Her Convention to make motion against it; and for all other readers to consider to whom they may make thoughtful petition to this effect.