a Masque is rescued from a supervillain cloning lab

Cadmus Labs is a private genetics research facility in Washington DC. A few months ago, some of the materials it was having delivered got it put on a Justice League watchlist. 

It took a while to rise to the top of their priority list. They're busy people. 

So, when a fire started on the ground floor and quickly spread through the building, it wasn't the Justice League who came to see what evidence of illegal activity they could snatch from the flames—after rescuing the trapped scientists, of course. They're heroes, after all. 

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"Dude, we're 26 levels underground in what was supposed to be a two-storey building, and you wanna go further down? Out is up. You know, the direction that gets us away from the army of genetically engineered superpowered mutants!" 


"Yeah, but Project Green is on sub-level 52. Don't you wanna find out what's even more secret than the army of superpowered mutants?" 


"We're way out of our depth here. We should call the League." 


The elevator dings. 

"Too late, we're here!" 

The moment the doors slide open wide enough for his thirteen-year-old frame to slip through, he's off down the corridor. 


"...he's got a point. And we are already here." 

He zips off after his friend before Aqualad can respond. 


Aqualad sighs. He's had these idiots for half an hour and he already knows to start moving if he wants to catch up with them before they get in too much more trouble. 


A couple of minor altercations later:

"Uh, guys? You'll wanna see this." 


"This" is a...pod? The glass front reveals...someone?? They're definitely not human, whoever they are, and appear to be unconscious?


"Another Genomorph?" Aqualad guesses. 


"But why all the extra security? That door was crazy thick." 


"Hold on—isn't that Martian Manhunter's symbol they're wearing?" 


...It sure does look like Martian Manhunter's symbol on the jumpsuit they're wearing - except on white, rather than black.


"Robin. See what you can get from their computers." 


"—right. On it." 

Will the terminals in this room give him any more information on Project Green than the ones he already hacked on the other floors? Pretty please? 


...Yup, apparently this is, indeed, where the information on Project Green is being stored! And...yeah, the symbol is that of Martian Manhunter's for...good?? Good reason. Project Green is a cloning project - of Martian Manhunter (Cadmus had managed to get a hold of a sample of his DNA after one of the fights he'd been involved in). They are...not really sure what the hell is with the shape?? Given everything they know, they don't understand, but they are...working on the theory that it's possibly something to do with the shape-shifting? (Or a mistake somewhere in the sequencing, they're not ruling that one out.) That said, they have confirmed that Project Green has functional telepathy, and shapeshifting - both of which are currently being suppressed, to prevent Project Green from affecting an attempt at escape from within.


What the fuck, supervillains. He knows you're supervillains, but, seriously, Robin is 13 and he's already so tired of your shit. 

He will...relay this information to the others??? 


Before he's even halfway through the explanation, Kid Flash cuts in.

"Ok, how do we get this thing open?" 


"Just give me a seconnnnd—" 


He pauses, finger poised over the final key, and looks over at Aqualad, who's been silent since the reveal. 


He nods once. 


"And...open sesame." 


There's a...moment of stillness, and no obvious consciousness from the ??person?? in the pod?


The moment seems to hang there, longer than it should be, and then--

--And then the person moves, an explosive surge out of the pod, diving forward into a roll, and spinning as they come back to their feet, turning to face the others in the room, although definitely on the defensive.


"It's okay, we're the good guys, we're here to rescue you!" 


Silence, sharp red eyes darting between the other teens, crouching slightly and skipping back. "...res...cue?"

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