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"If you say so." She starts brushing out and rebraiding her hair.


"If you'd like me to try I can talk about orienting on gravity wells and specifying selected universe-histories so I don't wind up in a similar but not identical dimension to my own and safeties to make sure I don't land in a sun, and how many books' worth of spell alphabet I have to wrestle into behaving before I can consider those parts done."


"I generally find hearing people talk about something that fascinates them is fascinating even if they are a bore like Maedhros and only have a fascination for cooking and reading. But this is your break, if it's not restful you needn't bother."


Cooking and reading? "Normally I'd love to - I'm looking forward to actually teaching it, eventually - but I'm a little oversaturated on the stuff. What have you been doing?"

I am very good at both.

Lúthien's improved Maia-affecting sleep song is really powerful and delivers its punch early in the music, soon enough to be useful for combat, if you convince the opponent to listen. She's happy to demonstrate.

"In pieces, maybe? So I can record and have it on hand if Maiar attack me and they're harder to explode than Balrogs."


It takes ten tries to collect. The song does in fact put you to sleep really fast. She's visibly quite pleased with herself when she wakes everyone up for the last time.


"That's very nicely done."


Maedhros has a very fixed smile after being shaken awake. She really is brilliant with it.


I could've asked for the demo in private.

She's demonstrated it for me a number of times already.


If I asked her not to, she'd stop. But it puts her in a very good mood.

Because she spent the first few decades of this war watching friends and loved ones die - Doriath had serious losses before the rising of the Sun - and finds it very reassuring and stabilizing to be powerful and have the means to protect people.

She doesn't have a sadistic streak, if that's what you're trying to parse.

Wasn't expecting that in particular.


They have not done anything that they could not easily rationalize as harmless or necessary.


And thus they rationalize away.


We murdered people.


I am aware of that.


I appreciate your indignation on my behalf but it's really hard to think of a number of mild mistreatments of a prisoner that compare in magnitude to the grievance that prompts them to keep rationalizing.


It doesn't have to compare. It is an incorrect comparison to bother to make.


Elu asked me what I'd say to him, if he made the condition for a Silmaril that I be bound hand and foot and blindfolded. I said I'd tell him I had learned my lesson about oaths, if that was the lesson he was teaching me.


They dry off in the sunny weather.

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