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My letters for them include all sorts of contingencies to prepare for but I can think of at least as many things we'd be defenseless against with no conceivable preparation possible.


If he does something that makes the whole world uninhabitable I'm also unsure whether we should try teleporting the cities back to Valinor or just dying here.


Wouldn't you more or less wind up in Valinor anyway if you died here? Well, the Quendi would.


Question is whether they could get angry enough to kick you out of Valinor if you try to protect us by taking us in.


...Could take a lot of the underlying earth and try to make an outlying island? Would this only apply to Doomed people or could I at least save the Men and the Dwarves and the orcs and the Thindarin populations?


Thindar you should be able to save. Men, Dwarves, orcs, maybe ask Ulmo but my guess is that they'd be executed on the spot.


...seriously? For being teleported there?


Mortals are very very Not Allowed in Valinor. A mountain will slide down on top of them. At a guess.


I'm still technically mortal, Ulmo indicated I'd be fine if I showed up.


Then perhaps I'm too cynical. You could ask Ulmo the general question but the reaction will be much worse if you do it after having been denied permission than if you do it without knowing that it might be forbidden.


If the default is 'they're all executed on the spot'... Ulmo might just not know that should I fail to invent immortality in a timely manner I'll die of old age.


I don't know. I really don't know. The Valar'd be divided, it could shake out very differently than that, if you leave the Noldor here it might be safer for everyone else...


You'd think Aulë would argue for his Dwarves...


I am sure he would. And Nienna'd argue for mercy generally, it's sort of her attribute, and Men aren't supposed to go extinct they're in the plan maybe that'd sway the Valar - unless there are Men elsewhere we don't know about - they killed a bunch of us after Alqualondë but they didn't just execute us all on the spot and that was much more provocation, maybe they're easier to sway internally towards mercy than I realize...


One werewolf went missing once; I think I otherwise collected them all.


If they all awakened on this continent.


Good point; Ulmo said the southern continent isn't as uninhabited as it looks. Still haven't heard of anybody running into a native, but yeah.


Ten thousand people on a continent is not many; they'd be easy to miss. You could tell Celebrimbor to go survey the whole world, but it might take him a while.


I had some swifts looking around to get a map of the place but they weren't looking at every square mile individually.


I think the best option if staying here is certain death is to transplant Doriath to somewhere climate-matched and uninhabited - he sends a mental map of Valinor, shades a few possibilities - Melian may have her own opinions, of course - to take the Men and orcs and Dwarves to the edges of Aulë's lands and immediately go petition him directly, and to leave everyone explicitly prohibited from returning.


I'll consider that my default, then.


My mother can help you petition Aulë, and would do so.


How do I find her? Or for that matter Aulë.


Aulë's lands are here, my mother might have gone back to her father's, which would be here - I don't think she'd still live in our family home, and there's no way to check - hmm. Do you have leave from Ulmo to visit Valinor and return here? If so, that'd be something worth scouting out in advance, actually.

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