It's a lazy morning much like any other. April needs to get up and make breakfast but instead she's lying in bed scrolling the news on her phone. She doesn't even like the news. Gonna get up aaaaany minute now.
Pippi's tail swishes back and forth, a little frantically. When April is close enough, she meows again, looks directly at April, then looks again at the upper floor of her house.
"...oh for fuck's sake," she says, following the cat's gaze. "Let me guess, some sketchy motherfucker broke into my house while I was out?"
hey guys i think somebody broke into my house while i was waiting for uncle jake to finish combusting
"All right, Pippi," she says, hoisting the paper bag up onto her hip, "scale of one to ten, how scary did he look? You can't answer, you're a cat. Fuck it, can't be worse than the guy with the knife."
She heads toward the house.
The figure in her bedroom looks out the window, sees April standing there and disappears from visibility.
A few seconds later her bedroom explodes, a blossom of heat and light and fire.
The fire catches surprisingly quickly, traveling through the hallways and rooms of her house, spreading everywhere she can see.
Mom if you show up I'm not going to be here. my house exploded, I'm LEAVING
She wishes she had her real clothes and not this stupid dress. She wishes she had her laptop. She wishes a lot of things.
At the corner where her street meets the next one, she hoists the paper bag over a stranger's backyard fence, lets it down as gently as possible into their overgrown grass, and breaks into a jog.
Pippi follows close behind, hair raised, head still turning from side to side warily.
Yeah. Yeah, sounds about right.
She alternates jogging and speed-walking, checking her phone whenever she hits a walking phase.
April you can't just tell me your house exploded and expect me not to come pick you up
no I absolutely can
what are you going to do, take me home?
come on
April is distantly aware that humans are endurance freaks and cats spend 80% of their time napping. How's Pippi doing?
Pippi seems to be keeping pace, at least for now, though she might be flagging a little. She'll perk up alert when April looks her way, though.
Somewhere behind the both of them, there is the sound of sirens.