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April finds the plot (of Starter Villain)
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"I'm gonna have to figure out how to carry a cat, aren't I," she says, slowing down a little. " I need somewhere to sleep tonight. Can't stay with anyone I like because they might explode. Can't stay in a hotel because that might explode..." She looks doubtfully at her phone.


Pippi sticks close by, coming right up to her leg, still looking around warily. 


"To text the sketchy lady who bought me this dress, or not to text the sketchy lady who bought me this dress..."


Pippi meows once and rubs up against April's leg a little. Not that she's a person and certainly can't understand human speech or communicate at all (certainly not with just meowing at her at least), but if one were to interpret her one might consider that she's positive about the idea of texting Morrison. Or she could just be being worried and affectionate after something harrowing happened to her, that's much more likely. 

"Eh, fuck it."
so, speaking of things I didn't expect to have happen today

She a response relatively quickly. 

What happened? 

my house exploded
gonna be real with you i do not think i have it in me to tolerate being dicked around any more today

Are you all right? Are you safe? Is Pippi with you? 

I'm fine, so's Pippi, we did have to ditch Uncle Jake's ashes in a stranger's backyard
I don't super have a place to stay because there is not really anywhere that I both want to sleep and also don't mind if it explodes

We can put you up somewhere safe. 

Tell Pippi to take you home. Tell her I told you to say that. She'll take it from there. 


She looks at her phone.

She looks at the cat.

She looks at her phone.

She looks at the cat.


"Sketchy lady says to tell you to take me home."


Pippi meows back at April affirmingly, pauses to think for a moment, then turns to head down a neighboring street, neither in the direction of April's former house, nor in the direction they were just going. She looks back behind herself, as though checking to see if April is following. 


She is absolutely following, yes.


Pippi walks the rest of the way down the street, and makes a right, heading down another road. She looks behind her when she gets to the crosswalk, sees April, then looks both ways and crosses the street. She heads north and east on smaller roads, until she gets to a house near the end of one road, and starts heading up a driveway. 

The house she's gotten to is smallish but well-maintained, the grass short and well-manicured. The house is painted white, and the curtains are drawn. The only mildly novel thing about this house is that the front door has a cat door set into it, one that Pippi is clearly strolling towards. 



Pippi looks behind her, meows once, and then heads through the cat door, inside the house. 


...and is the door... open... to humans?


The door is currently locked, but instead of a doorbell there's a camera-and-buzzer combination attached to the door, much like one would find at an apartment building. 


"Pippi, you're a monster," she mutters under her breath, but she buzzes in.


The door buzzes to let her inside. 


The inside of the house is dim due to curtains and very little in the way of artificial lighting. The entranceway is devoid of most furniture save a large and comfy armchair covered in cat hair. The walls, however, are festooned with cat stairs and cubbyholes. There's a very small pirate flag pinned up in one of the corners of one of the cubbyholes. 

Permalink there now.


Pippi peeks her head from around a corner, meows at April, and then turns and heads back in the direction she came from. 


She follows the cat.


The living room is full of more cat stairs and cubbyholes, a squashy couch covered in cat hair, and a couple of cat trees. 

In the center of the room, though, dominating the space, is a large desk with a strange shape, and an even larger and more strangely shaped keyboard and monitor. 


...she looks between the cat and the desk. It's not hard to connect the dots.

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