Vile Scribe has a good deal going, someone else wants in on that money
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Arrogantio: I am Arrogantio, a noble and rightful ruler of a duchy in Cheliax! I am off to the constitutional convention, that I may cement my rule forever and continue as I always have before.

Iomedea: You are a wicked noble appointed by the Thrunes, and you should do good so the judge has mercy upon your soul.

Arrogantio: Calumny! Nobody would dare to speak to me in such a way when the Thrunes were in charge. I will not stand for this! I shall command my servants to spread vile rumors in her name, and throw fireballs into the streets hoping to burn her alive!

Diabolus: I am Diabolus, and I have received more votes than any in the city! I am off to the constitutional convention, that I may ensure the laws return me to power.

Iomedea: You are a wicked diabolist and cleric of an archdevil who used blackmail and murder to force people to vote for you. No virtuous person should head your words lest they fall to Evil and Anarchy.

Diabolus: Calumny! How dare she question me? I was rightfully chosen by the people, and any who say otherwise must be prepared to face my wrath! I shall go to those guardsmen I have bribed, and have them torture her until she confesses to some crime.

Simplicio: I am an unlearned farmer, snatched from my home and forced to attend the constitutional convention. What should I do, when I know nothing of the law and at home my family is starving?

Iomedea: To kidnap innocent people and force them to do your bidding for your amusement is a great evil. Simplicio should be allowed to return home.

The Great Wizard: How dare you! Who are you to question my whims, simply because Iomedae has said that you are good and true? I am a mighty archmage, and everyone knows me to be far wiser and more virtuous than even the gods! Simplicio shall stay here until I cease to find it entertaining, and I shall dispose of them after as I see fit.

The Great Wizard, Diabolus, and Arrogantio: Now that we have disposed of Iomedea, the constitutional convention shall go perfectly. Let none say we are not the best of men, or dare to question our work.

A Credulous Fool: I hear you great ones, and shall tell all the world of the brilliance of your plans!

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Is Diabolus supposed to be Theopho?  She’s pretty sure he won the Westcrown election through being a skilled speaker and well connected and liked across social classes.  But, if he was skilled at blackmail, would he be able to stop a naive observer (like herself) from learning about his blackmail?  And recent events have seen his greatest denouncer (Valia) arrested.  Pamphlets are garbage… but if the other person who verbally attacked Theopho (Duchess Carlotta?) happens to have some major misfortune or misstep in the near future, Thea will consider this theory more seriously.  And if his best supporter (delegate Korva) also prospers well, that will be a third point of evidence.

Of course, the solution isn’t to go after Theopho, it’s to try to get on his side.  Maybe Thea should she seek his “advice” (issues she can earn favor by voting as he instructs on) in the near future?

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