the vile scribe imitators are out in force
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Galtelius: I am an Archmage who works the Administration of the Government.

Naimea: I am an Archmage who performs Healing.

Galtelius: I shall kidnap Many People all Ignorant of Laws and force them to Write Laws.

Naimea: I shall perform Healing.

Galtelius: I shall nap through the Convention of the Kidnapped until there is such a Frenzy that Riots Burn the City.

Naimea: I shall Heal the Burned.

Galtelius: I shall finally be Roused from Slumber when many of my Chosen Kidnapped are Murdered.

Naimea: I shall Raise the Murdered.

Galtelius: Behold, I have Burdened my Wife, the great Healing Archmage.

Naimea: Behold, I have Solved the Problems my Foolish Husband has Caused.

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Scriveia: I am a Shrewish Woman Pamphleteer.

Scribulus: I am a Clever Man Pamphleteer.

Scriveia: I shall Slander the Fabricator Archmage on my way to Slandering all Men.

Scribulus: I shall find Merriment in the Foolishness of Women but not Dignify it with a Response.

Penodius: I shall take up the Pen in Defense of Scribulus and all the Male Sex.

Scriveia: Calamity! I did not foresee this!

Penodius: Learn well the Format, Scriveia. For that is properly the Phrase of a Brutal Tien Despot.

Scriveia: Truly we of the Fairer Sex should Desist from Pamphleteering.


Scrivane: I am a Pamphleteer of Unspecified Sex.

Penodius: I am a Male Pamphleteer suffering Impotence and Baldness.

Scrivane: I shall Satirize the Goings-On of the City.

Penodius: Calamity! I have Torn Out what little Remains of my Thinning Hair at the sight of this Pamphlet! I shall Assume that its Author is of the Female Sex, which I baselessly Blame for my Impotence and Baldness!

Scrivane: Behold, I have sold Many Pamphlets and Amused all the City.

Penodius: Behold, I have made my Impotence and Baldness plain to all the City.


(On Wretched Penmen) Men who Wish to make Statements on the Capacities of My Sex in the Writing of Pamphlets are Cordially Invited to my Lair to do so in Person.

Manualis, an ardent Reader of Pamphlets:
I shall Purchase from the Stock of those Pamphlet Urchins who Daily pass by my Offices a Copy of Each Pamphlet.
Futilis, a Bald Man:
I have included among the Stock of those Dutiful Urchins my own Screed against Another Pamphlet.
I tire of the Bickering of these Pamphleteers and its Toll on my Coinpurse! Would that they Returned to Satire in turns Amusing and Useful, and moved their Conflict Elsewhere.
Sapienza, a Shrewd Businessman:
I shall establish a Periodical of Letters to which those who Love Bickering may Write, publishing All the Squabbles as a Single Convenient Purchase.
Truly Sapienza has satisfied my Desire to Publish Insults against my Fellow Pamphleteers. I need no longer Publish each Individually.

Commentary of the Iniquitous Amanuensis: Would that such a Periodical were Published and Circulated now in the Streets of the City! For the Insults of Scribes are certainly Amusing but not every Assault and Riposte need be its own Purchase.


Woman. A plague upon all Men! Henceforth I shall seek out the company of Women alone, and care naught for the bonds of Marriage.

Man. A plague upon all Women! Henceforth I shall seek out the company of Men alone, and care naught for the bonds of Marriage.

Wife. Though my Husband sometimes Vexes me, I shall Submit to his Will and Serve my Family.

Husband. Though my Wife sometimes Vexes me, I shall Guide my Household and Protect my Family.

Woman. Calamity! My village has been overtaken by Monsters. My house has been Destroyed, and there is none strong enough to Repair it. My children grow up with no models of Courage or Good Judgment. Every day I struggle to earn enough Coin to feed them.

Man. Calamity! I have no one to offer me Counsel, nor show me Patience or a Listening Ear. My Clothing is filled with Holes, and I have not even the Cloth to Repair it, even if I knew how. I have no children at all, and my line will Perish Entirely.

Wife and Husband. Truly, the roles of Men and Women are both Essential.


(On Wretched Penmen) Men who Wish to make Statements on the Capacities of My Sex in the Writing of Pamphlets are Cordially Invited to my Lair to do so in Person.

A man in what looks like a merchant's clothing - but somewhat tattered now - picks up the latest Badger pamphlet and shakes his head.  "That litch's saying it's a woman now?  Pah!  Will it be saying next it's looking for a husband?  Those archmages should be finding its lair to teach it better."


She really, really wants to get in on the pamphleteer arguments.  They are hilarious, and she’s thought of many good retorts of her own to add.  But, unlike many pamphleteers, she can read the fucking mood and doesn’t want to accidentally cross whatever the line is (assuming there even is a clean line) that will get her arrested!  So she’s going to give it at least a few weeks, pay attention to what pamphleteers end up on trial (it doesn’t matter if they are convicted, you get robbed and likely raped if you’re arrested no matter how innocent you are), and resume writing pamphlets once she’s absolutely sure she knows where the safe line is.


Morgethai. My country has a Lawful President, but I am of Chaos; I shall rule Alone.

Elie Cotonnet. My country has a Lawful Queen, but I am of Chaos; I shall partake in Holy Marriage.

Morgethai. Behold, my Chair at University is more secure than many a Throne.

Elie Cotonnet. Calamity! My chosen Countrymen riot and rebel against their Queen!

Naima Cotonnet. Behold, I have solved the Problems my Foolish Husband has caused.

Morgethai. Behold, I have avoided Problems by not Marrying a Foolish Husband.


…Does whoever wrote this think Elie Cotonnet would cause fewer problems if he weren’t married to Naima? Or is the implicit claim that archmagehood is maritally transitive and he wouldn’t be able to…? 

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