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"I expect she'd enjoy that and benefit from it tremendously, and it would not surprise me if you benefitted also. Though a lot seems to rest on dear Elwë. Do you know, when you said that the first thing that came to mind was that if I gave myself up for an execution maybe he'd be willing to collaborate with the rest of my people.

I don't think that's a good idea, and Father wouldn't let me, but now I can't get it out of my head."

"I don't think he goes in for intraspecies violence," Loki says. "I am sure you could get the guards to kill you if you stepped into the enchanted forest, but it would be as a trespasser and not as a martyr. Put it out of your mind."


"It was my fault. More than anyone else's save Fëanor's himself, and I guess whoever gave the order to start killing people on the Teleri side though that might have just happened spontaneously. I don't want him thinking they're a pack of murderers, because they're not, they're a pack of people who trusted me."


"He seemed incurious about the details. I do not think it would have mattered to him why anyone might choose to commit violence within Valinor."

"All right. If the topic comes up again, though, can you make it clear what really happened?

It sounds like his kingdom is the safest place in this land. If everything was lost, and we at least had a safe place to send the children..."

"I will ask about a refuge for the children. And if he asks me about the events I will relate them as I know them."

"Thank you."

"I have work to do," he adds a heartbeat later, and starts to walk off.

"Do you want help?" Loki asks.


"You should probably be doing something more important with your time. I'm just circling around making sure everything keeps moving."


So Loki takes to the air and hunts for orc settlement sites for the rest of the day.

There's an island to the south. There's a dense and uninhabited-seemed stretch of forest far south of everything else, but it might have more forest Elves in it.

She could land and wander around to see but she thinks she'll just inquire at Doriath next time she's there. The island is nice enough and the orcs are likely going to wind up learning to fly so the lack of boats is less of a problem, but they might need more space eventually... She'll mention the options to the orcs once she knows more about the population distribution.

She memorizes landscape and when it seems likely that the Nolofinwëans will stop for the night she wends her way back to sit up for a while, spellworking, and then sleep.
In the morning they're on the move again. Findekáno finds her.

"You said they're going to have the orcs bring the horses?"

"Well, there are problems if they bring them themselves, and problems if you come fetch them, and problems if I try to transport upwards of fifty horses alone through the wilderness," she says. "Orcs might avoid all of these problems."


He shakes his head. "The only problem with them bringing them themselves is that they don't want to face us. Mind, orcs are fine."


"And most of the places the orcs might settle are south of here, so they could bring the horses on their way," Loki says. "Although I'll want to check with Melian and Elu about how inhabited the rest of the continent is before suggesting a place."


He nods. "We were afraid the Enemy would have killed everything by the time we arrived. Looks like they were more organized, and had more resources on their side, than we had hoped for. Of course, that's going to introduce all kinds of diplomatic challenges, but I'd take those any day."


"I agree."


"Elwë alive and very angry with us is honestly much better than what we'd expected to find." He shrugs. "And the long Ages of the world soften hearts etcetera etcetera but I don't really expect this war to stretch for the long ages of the world. If you do run into any other locals, any chance of getting off on a better foot?"


"I can try. Do you have any suggestions?"


"Well, we could offer them food, tools, animals, except guess who currently has those? Just, you know, I'm sure they're apprehensive about these numbers moving in; tell them Valinor taught us many things but most importantly that they made the right decision in not leaving for it; that we're here to fight, and will be focused rather singlemindedly on that, and will respect if they ignore us and go about their lives."


"I can convey that when I encounter further populations," Loki nods.


"Thank you. Safe travels."


"I'm actually not due back at the Fëanorians until tomorrow - and since approaching Doriath gives me a headache and I couldn't stay long I might just travel with you for the day."


"By all means." He hesitates. "I've been walking rather more than strictly necessary, if you want a relaxing day it might be wiser to catch up with Irissë."

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