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Iomedae: I am Iomedae, the goddess of Fighting Evil. Golarion is filled wit Great Evils so I am Very Busy.

Simplicio: I am Simplicio, a Foolish Peasant. 

Iomedae: I battle the Great Evils. My Sword Arm stabs at the King of Hell and his armies. My Shield Arm holds back Ten Thousand Demons. My Teeth bite and chew up Ancient Dragons. My Left Foot stamps out the Spawn of Rovagug. My Right Foot supports my weight or else I would Fall Over. 

Simplicio: I Pray to you Holy Iomedae! I ask you to Fight Evil in my Quaint Village.

Iomedae: O my follower Prays to warn me of Great Evil. Is Terrosk the Eater of Cities rising from Beneath the Earth? Is Tarbofen the Skeleton King escaped his Prison? 

Simplicio: O Iomedae, goddess of Fighting Evil I pray to you. In my Village there is a Manticore. I bet you to Fight Evil and kill this Evil Monster.

Iomedae: I do not leave my post, not even for Sleep or Rest. If I did so then Hell, Demons, Rovagug, Dragons, and Skeletons will overrun the world. I am sure these peasants can deal with a simple Manticore.

Simplicio: Iomedae we are filled with Terror. Only the Goddess of Fighting Evil can defeat this Manticore. 

Iomedae: I send my Cleric to this Village, to tell the people I have Great Evils to fight but to have Courage for they may kill this Manticore.

Simplicio: Iomedae we have killed several Blameless Halflings, lit our Village Aflame and also killed your Cleric.

Iomedae: what?

Simplicio? Why does the Manticore still Terrorize us? We have done as your Cleric told us to.

Iomedae: I Do Not Think You Have.

Simplicio: Clearly we see Action has Failed. We shall do Nothing and continue to ask Iomedae to personally kill this Manticore for us.

Iomedae: Perhaps the Manticore can have this one. 

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Oh, this one is GREAT. Liushna chortles in delight and tucks it away to show Voshrelka later. 


This one is really silly but - okay he actually just likes the line about Iomedae's right foot. That's why you have to have fun once a month. So you don't fall over.

He'd go read it to Valia but he's only standing around reading pamphlets to pass the time while waiting for Cansellarion, and anyway he's not sure she'd appreciate it.


Issa stands in paralyzed terror at the pamphlet for five minutes trying to decide if it is incitement she'll be hung for distributing or important political commentary she'll be scolded for not bringing back to the Duchess. The Duchess's irritation and disappointment is certain, the wrath of the state far more extreme but more unlikely. But ultimately the decisive thing is that the Duchess hasn't put any of her staff to death since Issa entered her service except for accepting bribes. Issa will return home without the pamphlet.


... Yeah, okay. This one's pretty good, too. The True Patriots of Cheliax is still her favorite, she thinks, but this does very tidily highlight hypocrisy in a way that pleases her. Thank you for showing her, Liushna, it's a good one.


This one can go next to the other souvenir.

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