This pamphlet forms some form of argument on the Freedom of the Pen, but nobody is sure whether itʼs for or against
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We are not allowed to make a list of Evil people, for fear that this might incite a VIOLENT MOB that DESTROYS the city and DAMNS its members. In this ruling, the Queen is Wise; we have all seen the HARM a VIOLENT MOB can cause and nobody should wish for another. However, it is as yet still legal to make a list of EVIL DEEDS that people should not do, such that we can all AVOID EVIL and SPOT EVILDOERS. If you know anyone who has committed these EVIL DEEDS, you should of course report them to the Queen, and in addition, you should pray to HOLY IOMEDAE, the GODDESS OF STOPPING EVIL, that these deeds should be stopped.

FIRST, to burn a city is Evil. As any person who has lived in Westcrown this last week can attest, this causes MASSIVE DAMAGE, destroys MANY LIVES, and makes living DIFFICULT for anyone who survives the INITIAL ARSON. Keep this Evil in mind, for many find themselves thinking that they can burn a city to purify it, but this is never so. Mobs cause DEATH and DESTRUCTION; even on the VERY RARE cases they achieve their stated goals, they do EVEN MORE HARM TO INNOCENTS. One should NEVER BURN OR DESTROY A CITY even if they think their cause is just.

SECOND, to KIDNAP somebody is Evil. This SEPARATES them from their families, PREVENTS them from doing their duties, and in general GREATLY DISRUPTS THEIR LIVES AND LIVELIHOODS. Furthermore, to do this and not even offer the victim or the people who DEPEND ON the victim the chance for RANSOM and RETURN OF THE KIDNAPPED PERSON is an even greater Evil.

THIRD, to STEAL from somebody is Evil, especially WITHOUT COMPENSATION. Whether the PROPERTY STOLEN is land, animals, slaves, or merely money and material objects, THIS THEFT STILL HARMS PEOPLE, and this HARM is Evil. People depend on all of these to survive, and to ensure they can EAT THROUGH WINTER.

FOURTH, it is Evil to COMMAND SOMEBODY TO DO SOMETHING without ADEQUATE INSTRUCTION and then PUNISH THEM WHEN THEY DO IT. This is a particularly ASMODEAN sort of EVIL, as it is the EVIL of TYRANNY and HIERARCHY. While no EVIL is welcome in CHELIAX, and ASMODEAN EVIL is by necessity LEAST WELCOME because the people have SUFFERED under such EVIL MOST OF ALL.

I write this list because I do know of somebody who has done, or had done on her behalf, ALL OF THESE AND MORE. I will of course send a copy of this notice to the PALACE, as the queen has requested. However, I expect VERY LITTLE to come of this, because surely the QUEEN ALREADY KNOWS, as the person who has done all this is none other than HER MAJESTY ASPEXIA III, who has DONE ALL THESE THINGS HERSELF or HAD THEM DONE ON HER BEHALF.

First, she burned and had burned many parts of many cities during the Four-Day War, causing MUCH DESTRUCTION at the same time as she made it harder for traditional systems to handle the destruction. Second, her Constitutional Convention had ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY people kidnapped, without ransom, and in the process committed the Third Evil and STOLE MULTIPLE SLAVES and OTHER PROPERTY. FOURTH, these people were told to have POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS, and then when SELECT OF IOMEDAE VALIA WAIN did her best to FOLLOW THOSE INSTRUCTIONS, she was ARRESTED for it despite NOT VIOLATING ANY DECREES.

Perhaps Her Majesty will STOP HERSELF when I call her attention to these EVILS, but I also pray that if not, HOLY IOMEDAE steps in to prevent these EVILS, and attempt to HELP THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN WRONGED. I urge all readers to also REPORT EVILS TO THOSE WHOSE JOB IS TO STOP THEM and to PRAY FOR AN END TO THESE AND OTHER EVILS.

This pamphlet is available in all the usual places around the city, and a copy is indeed anonymously sent to the Palace.
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To condemn kidnapping on the one hand and freeing slaves on the other...Liushna is getting a migraine. 


It's actually perfectly consistent provided the slaves were born into it or entered the state of slavery in some other non-kidnapping manner.


"Slavery" and "not kidnapping" are mutually exclusive, and anyone too stupid to immediately realize that is not qualified to keep a goldfish. 


Why is the Queen like this.

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