don't get me wrong this guy is principally mad they stole from his warehouse
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Every people of the world is different, and contrary to the narrowminded opinions of Some, it is not so that there is a single Best People, with all others an inferior approximation. Instead the different peoples of the world have different Strengths and Weaknesses. Elves are Clever and Long-Lived, and know Much History by consequence of Living it, but they are ill suited to honest labor, or to the care of children. (I Know this having been Acquainted with several; I am well-travelled, and speak from experience.) 

The Men of Lastwall are Honorable and Brave and Decent, but have no head for Mathematics; they make good Husbands for a favorite Daughter but not good Business Partners. The Men of Osirion know all that there is to be known of Numbers, but make dreadful Husbands. Such is the way of the world.

The Men of Galt are accomplished in destruction, and in turning the hearts of men inside out and turning them towards rage, violence and rebellion. They conquer with Aplomb; they are unparalled in their capacity to Level Cities to Rubble. They can Kidnap And Hold Hostage Hundreds Of Men in our very Capitol, barely a minute's walk from the palace, at a Whim. With a simple word they can stir a mass of ordinary men to Chaos and deny them all forever the comforts of Axis and Heaven. 

What they cannot do is build. Many wonder at why Cheliax has grown poorer since being freed from Slavery, for what Free Man is poorer than a Slave? The Answer is that Galtans know how to destroy, and they do not know Law, and so they cannot permit Men the freedom of Security, the freedom of Knowing that the law tomorrow will be the same as the law today. They toy with the money supply, and that this impoverishes everyone in Cheliax, that it makes it impossible to Predict Good Business, that it makes it impossible to Make Good Loans, or to Make Good On Loans Already Made, this is nothing to them, as all of those are things of Law, and Galtans know nothing of Law. They encourage wizards to turn their talents to the making of Galtan Papers Demanding More Madness and away from productive uses. They threaten to end slavery, and then don't end slavery, and then threaten it again, and the value of slaves swings around like a Crate On A Crane In High Winds. Indeed the Economy they are wholly incompetent to intervene on except by Occasionally Dropping Huge Bundles of Textiles On It; such is the Galtan way, and it cannot be held against them, as it is their Nature.

One might object, but the Queen is Galtan, and She is Lawful Good. To this I answer, is Westcrown Stable and Safe? Do you have peace? Do you sleep well in your home? Do you know what bread will cost tomorrow? When your banks are sacked, are you compensated, and all involved hung even if there are Thousands?


And I ask also, Do the laws change with the winds? Is it Impossible to guess the legality of any Thing you do, without a personal audience to ask the mind of the person who made the decrees that govern it? Do you imagine things illegal until you learn that they have been done flagrantly before your eyes? Are speeches permitted in front of hundreds, only for the speakers to be arrested the next day when the government realizes they should never have allowed them in the first place?

These are the signs that you Do Not Have A Lawful Queen.

To this you say, will this Lawless Queen surely put you to death for saying as much? This I answer, I have Given Up On Westcrown And On Cheliax; I have sold all my assets and by the time of your reading this will have moved to Absalom; I invite my every fellow among the merchants and bankers of Westcrown to do the same, and it was Necessary for one among us to have the courage to say Why we are doing it. And, while it is Anyone's Guess if it should matter, I do not urge the people of Westcrown to Violence against their Queen, but to Departure From Her Rule. Cease to place your gold and your hopes in this heavenforsaken place; leave it to the rabble as they will in any event go unpunished in robbing you of it. 

Galtans should never govern. They have their Place, as all peoples do; there is much that needs destroying, and they are gifted in it. But they lack the temperament for peace, and it is the Greater Fool who puts one's Assets or one's Safety in their hands. Load your slaves up on ships before slavery is Abolished in the deranged decree rumored in the Galtan Congress; take your merchandise which the ungrateful people of Westcrown would rather Steal than Buy from you; leave Westcrown to be reduced to rubble by Galtans like Egorian was before it. Absalom can stand even against Archmages seeking to take it by siege, and long has. 

May Her Majesty Aspexia III reign as long as Galtan Kings always do!

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The queen has not actually found the time to write a pamphlet denouncing herself yet, so this one will have to do. It goes on the list for the city watch of "Pamphlets that you might think are illegal but actually are not", and she gives orders for some of the palace scribes capable of keeping a secret to produce more copies when they're not otherwise busy, for anonymous distribution.


Why are Galtans so weeeeeird?


Whatever. As Her Majesty commands.


Damn it, this is precisely why she wanted to end slavery as soon as they rumored they'd end slavery, because yes absolutely every merchant of Westcrown with a lick of sense is loading up slaves on boats right now, and soon it'll also be all the ones who don't even have a lick of sense. 


Oh, it's okay, there's a plan for that! It's to sink all the ships in Westcrown's harbor that are scheduled to depart with slaves in the next few days according to their manifests. 


You realize that everyone's constantly lying on their manifests to get the most favorable tariff treatment, right?


Better to sink too many boats than too few!


You also realize that this is an act of war by Andoran against Cheliax, right?


Andoran? Never heard of it.


Wow, this guy sucks, but he does have one good point, which is that you shouldn't arrest people for saying things that aren't even illegal. ...Maybe she should write a pamphlet that just says you shouldn't arrest people for saying things that aren't illegal, and that doesn't say things like "being Chaotic is worse than being Lawful" or "the most important thing is order and stability and never mind how many injustices you have to tolerate." Probably they'll arrest her for it what with how they're treating saying anything the Queen doesn't like as worse than murdering innocent people, but... it might be worth it if she does a good job? She's not sure.


In order to sell all of your assets, someone has to buy them; every trade involves some sort of disagreement. Albà believes in Westcrown, but there's more money to be made if few others do, and he gets a commission for arranging Teleports out of the country. Then, once things settle down, he'll maybe get more commissions on arranging their returns.

He wouldn't touch the pamphlets; his plan involves sticking around, after all! He's surprised to see them still circulating the day after. He doesn't get why this one is legal.


For, uh, Reasons, related to the Unseasonable Torrential Rains or something, all departures are suspended until Toilday. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.


Due to Unseasonable Torrential Rains in Westcrown, departures are suspended until Toilday.


Yeah, uh. Here too. For Reasons.


If she'd heard about that it would've changed subsequent events!!!

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