1st circle laundry wizard scheming
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Technically the denunciation lists are only a thirty day prison sentence by themselves but Eliad is pretty sure that if he gets the actual facts of this case in front of a magistrate the magistrate will have the same reaction he's currently having, which is 'there's got to be something we can hang him for, right?', so Eliad should do the magistrate a favor and figure out what that is. Maybe if they let him keep talking he'll in the course of randomly saying all possible things say some additionally criminal ones. 


At some point the list of all possible things to say will include an explanation of how this was a legitimate loyalty test where they told him to pretend to be a cleric of Iomedae to see which printers are willing to commit treason if the church tells them to. See, this is a church vs crown intrigue and he's on the crown side same as you! So hold off with the final blades and hanging, her majesty's very important spymaster whose name he doesn't know for normal security reasons will check on him in a few weeks and confirm everything.


Bribing an officer of the watch carries a fine of up to the full amount of the bribe, regardless of whether or not the bribe was accepted. So you can definitely confiscate his house and everything in it, but that's not death... hmmm... Maybe if you can pile up enough fines beyond what he can pay, he can be sentenced to the mines to work off the difference? And that's basically a death sentence, just a slow one.


There's got to be something on the books about impersonating a cleric. Probably not under the queen's new laws but under the law of the Thrunes and the law of Aspex, and a pretty good argument that the queen's new laws mostly match the overlap of the law of the Thrunes and the law of Aspex, so you can infer that this is just an oversight? Penalty's probably burning at the stake or something. Also attempting to impersonate an agent of the crown, just now? That's probably illegal.


Oh oh oh I've got it! Technically the queen's decree said,

In addition to the aforementioned punishments, persons involved in the authorship, publication, distribution, or copying of materials, or the giving of speeches, as proscribed above, may be held responsible for any deaths, injuries, thefts, destruction of property, or other harms caused by people incited to crime by said materials or speeches.

without any regard to whether the publication, distribution, &c occurred before or after the deaths, injuries, &c &c. Those materials definitely incited some murders!


There we go! With some satisfaction Eliad directs his staff to charge the man with the murder of Blai Artigas.

...for logical consistency, also the stupid dupe who was bullied into copying it, he supposes.


If I was an archmage powerful enough to send orders backwards in time to have people murdered, it would have taken more than a 1st circle cleric to arrest me. Less importantly I don’t even own that house, I’m renting. So the fine for the bribe should just be the valuables inside the house. Someone get me a lawyer, this is ridiculous!


Yes it’s ridiculous. That’s always the point. You’re small so they can make a joke of how they don’t even need a serious reason to hurt you. Welcome to the club. 

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