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Delegate Solandra is to be found at Shelyn's temple, appropriately; not one Lluïsa's been to before. A brisk, rainy walk, and she'll inform whoever she sees first that Valia Wain's lawyer is here, and looking for Laia Solandra. Look how important she is, she has a lawyer hat and an umbrella. Of course she's happy to wait, what a magnanimous lawyer.

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Laia's doing spiritual counseling and is in fact booked solid but she has a no-show after Lluïsa's been waiting less than half an hour and can see her.


"Delegate, it is a Great Pleasure. I hope Shelyn's Work goes well?" Whatever Shelyn's work is... painting? Singing? There's a lot to be said for those things, really.

"I am here on Business, as Select of Iomedae Valia Wain's attorney."


"They're letting her have an attorney? That's good, I guess... how is that going?"


"The Facts and Law of the Matter are both Great Masses of Confusion. I am hopeful that the Clear Law shall ultimately Prevail in an Acquittal. The Select is somewhat Morose as all who Languish in Confinement perhaps are."


"Is she allowed visitors? I'm so busy during the day but I like to stay up late - I suppose she might not -"


"There is a Mountain of Bureaucracy but perhaps a Priest might claim her way in, though I am unsure, it being largely a matter of Discretion. I would not count on Admittance but would not Discourage the Attempt if you wish to make it."


"Maybe I will if things slow down tonight."


Lluïsa nods. "Some time after the Select's Speech before the Assembly, you spoke with her; would you give your own Recounting of this Conversation?"


"- oh, I don't remember it word for word or anything, but her speech was so terrifically stirring and I thought at the time it might be nice to have it reproduced outside the hall so more people could experience it. Also we talked about theater; I'm an actress, you see, and the Pezzack rebellion was started over a theatrical performance."


"Theater is—it is Shelyn's Domain? Or an Unrelated Vocation?"


"Art is Shelyn's domain, and theater combines so many kinds of it! The craft of acting itself, but also music and dancing and writing and the costumery and the props and backgrounds. I actually started out worshiping Shelyn when I was playing the part of Felandriel Morgethai and I had a Shelynite symbol prop."


"...under the Diabolists?"


"Yes, it was designed to come apart at the climax of the show when I endured a humiliating defeat, but there were several scenes before that when it was fully assembled."


The scope of the security breach is impressive and so is Laia Solandra for making use of it.

"Impressively done. At any rate Select Wain refused you, correct?"


"She put me off, she wanted to revise."


Lluïsa nods. "She wished to Consult with Senior Members of her Church, having been Counselled that great Care in Wording was needed to avoid Inflaming the Public. None expected the Speed of the Harmful Events which arose; this was due to a Thieving Plagiarist doing great Butchery to the Select's words and coupling them with an Exhortation to go forth and Kill that very Night."


"I know, I saw that one! She didn't say anything like that, especially not the part about the tieflings - for all I know at least Archmage Naima could be turning six people into tieflings every day if nothing else -"


"In all Honesty I wish to pursue the Author for Defamation but the Crown will pursue him first, though perhaps there is a Way still. How did you take the Meaning of the Select's Speech, when you heard it on the Floor?"


"That - that the ordinary people of Cheliax are all full of the potential for Good, and that it was always in the Asmodeans' interests to tell them that they were Evil whether or not that was true, but some people who'd risen high in Asmodeus's tyranny by being pleasing to Him were still sitting pretty without making anything they'd done better, and that part of the people of Cheliax becoming Good would be ceasing to tolerate wicked overlords."


Lluïsa nods again. "None on the Floor did Denounce it as an Unlawful Speech, I have noted. Not the President who I perhaps in Naïveté would think Responsible for such; not that Archduchess who spoke, against it to be Certain, but in Debate Proper to the Floor. For indeed Select Wain consulted Decrees of Law in order that she remain within their Bounds. Further, as you help to Verify, she did not wish it to leave the Hall, at least not in the Particular Form given, out of Abundant Concern that it might prove Inflammatory to the Public. For these reasons I happily Represent her."


"It's very good of you to be looking out for her! Is there anything I can do to help?"


"Your Testimony or Statement that you made this Request of the Select and were Refused would be a great Help in the Construction of my Case."


"Do you want me to write it down?"


"I will take your Sworn Affidavit though be Apprised that the Judge may wish Testimony; but it is a Short Statement and he may not."


"...what is different about a sworn affidavit?"

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