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"I will Witness your Oath that it is True and was Written and Signed by you in my Presence," she explains. "This having Strong Force."


"So I write it down and then I swear to you that I wrote down the truth?"


Lluïsa nods. "After which I will write Beneath it that I Witnessed such."

"Okay." She gets a piece of paper and writes:

I, Songbird Laia Solandra, invited Valia Wain to reenact her speech in public on the steps of the church of Shelyn where I often read aloud pamphlets for an audience. She declined to do so due to concerns that the speech needed revisions so as to be taken as it was meant.

"Like that?"

"It is correct. Your oath that the Statement is True?"


"I swear to you that this is the truth."


"Your Signature Beneath, as well," she indicates.

Sb. Laia Solandra

That looks good! She adds beneath:

This Affidavit Written and Signed, and the Affiant's Oath as to its Truth made, witnessed in Westcrown on the 5th day of Sarenith 4714, by Barrister Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà, here Undersigned and Marked.

And she signs beneath and arcane marks it as well.

Performing a lawyerly ritual is such fun!

"To any Copies made I will likewise Attest that they are Faithful Copies made by my Own Spell," she explains, "though the Original go to the Court."


"Okay. And how will I know if I need to go in person? As you can see it's kind of busy around here."


"It would be a Summons from the Court; instruct the Staff that such are Urgent if they do not know already. Though I will Endeavor to send an Earlier Letter if I think it likely."


"Thank you. Shelyn's blessings on you."


"Thank you for your Useful Aid. I do not know what Blessings Shelyn may Impart but perhaps my Artful Spell Modifications are Pleasing to your Goddess."


"If they're beautiful I bet they are!"


Smile. Shelyn's not so bad, she supposes, though the theater may be dubious. She leaves with a friendly nod.

Here Ends This Thread
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