1st circle laundry wizard scheming
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"Don't come back until you've handed them all out. You can't lie to cleric of Iomedae."


Norgorber trip the alarm! Fine, he'll actually do it.


‘Select Alex Iomadeus' will not be there waiting with three more coins. Instead, he will cut through an alley and drop the disguise, and Josep heads to the tavern to celebrate.


Oh no the bell is almost here. The copies are all done but where's the runner? The Select needs these soon, Paulin is worried for him.


"Laundry! You have the pamphlets? Some Alex Iomedae guy said to tell you he sent me."


Paulin feels relief as soon as the stack of illegal-except-it's-for-the-church pamphlets is out of his hands. Oh no what if the runner notices? "You know these are for the church, right? It's not what it looks like."



I would be worried about what these pamphlets and that royal decree pinned to the wall say, except I can't read.


"..." Never mind then. 


No one wants to take the pamphlets, even for free. People take the badgers but not whatever these are? Hey, a priest of Iomedae said to hand these out, they’re good ones. You sure you want to miss important news from Iomedae?

No? Well, there’s always putting them on walls and notice boards.


Josep gets back home and throws the original copy, the only one he touched, in the fireplace. When someone sends a report to the guards and bring in the security wizards, the scry leads to the copyist. 

“Soon, very soon, we’ll be back to having only one laundry wizard!”


"Do you have any enemies who you think might have wanted to get you in trouble?"


Paulin is actually very good at the ‘trying to point them at someone else they want more than they want to hurt you’ part. 

“The grocer might have reason; he sends his wife to my shop with laundry every week. He can read and write, too, and he’s clever.”

”Other laundry wizard down the street. We tried to trade spells when I moved in but I didn’t have any he liked and he seemed angry about it. Never talked to me since then.”

”Debt collector, he does things to scare me, but usually near the end of the month.”

”There’s these radicals who shout at me whenever I refuse to print a pamphlet for them. I was going to report them but I’m sure if their stuff was actually banned or not.”


Grocer and wizard both have a name and description and address. Debt collector has a name and description but he shows up to your house not the other way around. Radicals trying to get borderline-illegal pamphlets printed have descriptions but never mention their names.


She will delegate 'set up our own honeypot print shop, collect the radicals' and send some guys out to ask some pointed questions of the grocer and the wizard. 


Grocer hates all these wizards and thinks his wife should just do the washing in the river like they do in other countries. But no, she’d rather run around in shops when everyone knows the rumors about charm spells. They probably don’t even need to use the charms, the bastards. Why not just hang all the laundry wizards, or send them to the worldwound, be done with all this pamphlet madness.


“Oh I have no idea, sirs, but I always knew that Paulin was going to end up like this. Foolish weak willed little worm, letting Galtan types in his shop, probably printing their rabble rousing.”


"Armes here is a priest of Abadar and can cast a truth spell" he isn't and he can't, "so we'll just have you permit the spell, please, and then state under it that you do not have any knowledge of who commissioned these pamphlets."



Does he confess now and try to explain that he was just trying to help them with their job by revealing a radical? No, they never actually hurt you less because you have a good reason. People say a clever enough wizard can beat a truth spell by saying, let’s see how this goes.

”Of course sirs. I have no knowledge of who wrote ‘be it known to the people of Cheliax’ and had it spread all over the city.”

He doesn’t know who wrote the pamphlet and spread it the first time, no not at all.


Yeah that was the face and words of someone trying to find their way around a truth spell. "That is not the statement you were asked to attest to."


Okay they're onto him. If this was the city watch it'd be easy to get out of this one, but the crown might be a bit harder. "Looks like a ruse good enough to fool him isn't enough to fool you. Well, good thing you brought an Abadaran instead of an Iomedaean today. I was there for that sermon about prices, how everything has one. How would you like to thoroughly search the house, not find anything connecting me to the printing, and if anything valuable goes missing I don't mention it to anyone?"


"Yeah, dumbass, the thing is, we can bring you in and give the house a good look over, and you won't mention it to anyone on account of you'll be in a Final Blade. Or Hell, I guess, if you prefer it. Take him in."


The whole time, Josep will protest that he hid the best stuff somewhere they'll never find without his cooperation, threaten to reveal all their secrets because he's just used wizard spells to learn them and believe me your boss will not be happy, claim that he does laundry for a visiting count and can make an introduction, and anything else he can think of.

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