There is a Poison lurking within Cheliax, which endangers us all if we do not Suppress it. For although most men have seen the error of their ways of Asmodeus, there are those who still Consort with Infernal Powers and continue to practice the same Evils which they previously enjoyed. Chief among these men are the Hellspawn, whose Infernal Blood taints their veins.

Many Hellspawn have spoken of the great Call they feel to the Vices of Hell, far outstripping the Temptations of an Ordinary Human. I do not mean to say that all Hellspawn must necessarily be damned to Hell, for such a view has been Condemned by both Church and Crown, but it is clear to all Wise and Observant men that Depravity and Vice is their natural state, and it is a rare Hellspawn that manages to cultivate any Semblance of Virtue.

I do not call for the Murder of Hellspawn, for such calls are Evil and Damnable. But if we are to escape the Clutches of Hell, we must not tolerate the presence of Hellspawn among the next generation, for in every age there will be those among them who work secretly for Asmodeus. Even those Hellspawn who have overcome their Base Nature may yet bear children who succumb to the Temptations of Infernal Powers and allow Diabolism to once again plant its Roots within Cheliax.

I have heard it suggested that the Archmage Naïma might transform such men into the Various Creatures which her magic permits her to. But this is no solution at all; for the Corruption that plagues all Hellspawn is within their very Soul, not merely their Body, and there is no reason to think such Corruption will not persist in their children, whatever their Form might be. To carry out such a thing risks losing the ability even to distinguish Hellspawn from Ordinary Men, and the dangers it posts are far too Great.

Let us establish Communities of Men Alone and Women Alone, perhaps in the Sarkoran Territories, and let all Hellspawn be transported to one or the other as befits their sex. If any man wishes to leave these Communities, let him be Castrated, that he might not father children; and let the Women be prohibited from leaving Whatsoever, until they have grown so Old they can no longer bear Children. In this way, the Hellspawn shall be prevented from Mating, and their taint shall be excised bloodlessly from Cheliax with no need to resort to Evil.