Alicorn has a secret setting and I wanna find out what it is
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The civil servant pens that in. "Are those paired?"


"Not traditionally."


"I'm assuming there's a lean, you over the little stranger, so you can use its magic..."


"We're not going to have the same vocabulary for anything, different country. I'm the one who can use the magic."


"Mm-hm -" Write write. "Did either of you previously belong to any other group?"


"Where did you study?"


It takes a bit for the civil servant to decide how to represent "Iris", "Segda", and "Nolordel". "Does it put up a fight or something, that it's so tiring to cast your spells -"


"- no. It thinks magic is neat. The spells are just tiring to cast."


"Price fixing is illegal in Amilu. I could find you a permissible daily rate to cap your pricing..."


"As long as it doesn't involve casting it more than six times, that's fine."


The civil servant consults with another civil servant. They tell Iris how much money she is allowed to make in a day - "this is less than the Ocean Circle can make in a day because they aren't limiting their supply, but if you want to leave money on the table -" and she can divide that up as she likes between castings and does she have paperwork on her ownership of the stranger, would she like any?


She does not. Does she need it.


"Only if you want help rounding it up if it goes missing."


"That sounds useful."


"You'd be responsible for any damage it did either way but if you formally own it it'll be worth people's while to bring it back to you alive same as they would a chicken or a dog." She starts drawing up the paper. "Now, there's a fee for your work licensure and for your ownership paper and a few other things you're going to need but you can defer payments to the civil service office for up to five days, that should give you plenty of time. Do you plan to establish residency in Amilu?"


"I don't know yet. I probably will in five days, I'll get it sorted then if so."


"All right, and do you have any local relatives -"


"Can you read, are you more than one quarter Saosiren, do you hold any titles..."


"I can read, I am not more than one quarter Saosiren, I hold a title in Nolordel but no one here even knows where that is..."


"Mm-hm, what's the title?"


"Duchess of Ondeline, Countess of Damar, honorary captain of the 12th royal guard."


The civil servant writes that all down. "Now, that doesn't net you any privileges because anyone could say that but it'll be good to have it down all the same - do you need a hunting license -"

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