This shallow valley in the foothills of a broad mountain range is usually unoccupied aside from the occasional shepherd and flock. Today, though, it's bustling: much of the space is taken up by a hastily erected tent city, mismatched canvas scrounged from wherever it could be found, with cookfires clustered in the rockiest section and a field hospital laid out near the small lake at the bottom of the valley, all in use by an especially heterogenous and ragged collection of humanoids. Near the hospital, a bit of space has been left free for various purposes, including the music performance it's currently being used for, which has drawn an audience of children and their parents.
"We'll have to find out at some point if we can cast from each others' scrolls, I suspect I'll need one for that. It's too much like cheating."
Somebody is waiting at the help desk, and Raafi retrieves the translation necklace to answer their procedural question about using the cookpots, offering it back to Blai when he's done.
"I've never actually learned to scribe a scroll." He yields the necklace without complaint and accepts it back without comment.
"Me either, I go to the wizards for it - a lot of the divine scrolls you see for sale here are made that way, the wizards' guilds in big cities have giant pearls of Spell Storing that they'll pay you to cast into and then they take it from there."
"They're pretty handy. I bet they'd want a king's ransom to part with one, though."
"No doubt. I probably would have picked up scroll scribing if I had another circle, but at third it's easy enough to have someone who doesn't need their spells at the front write them."
"That makes sense. I've never actually been to a battlefront like that, I'm always too busy with refugees when I'm that close to a war." The Pelorians are assembling people for him to bring with him on his trip, a ways down the field; he heads in that direction.
"There were probably a lot of those when the Worldwound first opened but it was a hundred years ago."
"I've done enough diplomacy to know that that wouldn't make it any easier. I guess maybe if you have gods running your countries; mortal rulers are much more shortsighted."
Raafi nods. "You see the smaller gods doing that sometimes, here. It can be a good strategy but it seems to stop them from growing, past a certain point, or maybe they just grow out of it."
"I'm getting the impression that there's something different about our respective gods in general, yeah."
"If we had some overlapping gods I'd be inclined to think it was just that they had different rules of engagement here - there's some reason to expect Golarion to be special among planets in general - but since they don't appear to include any of the same gods so far I imagine it's more complicated somehow."
"Yeah - our gods do tend to be regional but I'd be very surprised if the Shining One or the Dweller were restricted that way."
The young Pelorian comes over to apologize for the wait; they're having trouble finding one of the people they want to send with Raafi. He seems less nervous about talking to him this time.
"Should you take someone else while they look or do they need to go with this batch in particular?"
"If today goes well I might not be going out again, and I know we had a few elderly people in the group. Best to wait, I think."
Then Blai will find a place to sit, and if it's looking particularly time consuming might conjure up some chess pieces.
It takes about twenty minutes for them to find the woman, safe and sound and sleeping in a friend's tent after her hip started acting up and she couldn't make it back to her own the night before. She's not moving very well today, either, and they ask Raafi and the others to meet her where she is rather than make her walk, but then he's ready to go - he'll suggest that Blai take one of his hands and have the other four passengers link up on his other side rather than ask him to be in the middle of the group.
That's not really LESS making it seem like Raafi is hitting on him - Blai is a grownup and knows how touch range spells work - but he doesn't bring it up.
He doesn't linger over it, at least, on either side of the teleport; they appear in the front hall of a temple of Pelor, made obvious by the two story tall yellow marble mosaic of the sun on the back wall. Raafi immediately breaks off from the group to help the woman with the bad hip to one of the benches lining the hall, and a passing cleric comes over to help, asking if they're more refugees.
"These four are; Select Blai there showed up in a teleportation accident and I think he's still with me. He has a unique healing effect and he'd like some help getting set up to use it efficiently, though - it heals everyone in a thirty foot burst, no target limit, roughly Cure Moderate strength."
"Praise Pelor. We can certainly do that - I'm sorry, I don't recognize the title, do you have any policies you'd like us to follow in finding people in need of it?" he asks Blai.
"- no, no, just pack them in as efficiently as you can, I assume you don't have a room with a circular balcony but -"
"Doesn't the wizard's guild have an auditorium like that?"
"They do in Hempholme but I didn't think they did here. I'll check."
"Sounds good. And I'd expect a donation box to more than cover the rental, if it's all right with you to put one out?"