Idaia and Imliss at the end of all things
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"I can do that."

And then she is holding a glass of water, and sets it down on an end table, and then she is holding a sword, which she leans against a wall much more carefully than she put down the water, and then she creates an illusion of Tyelcormo, and then she cups her hands and--

She can't generate any novel Silmaril behavior. But it's still pretty damn impressive.


They stare in awe.


"They also prevent Valinorean Elves from slowly but literally fading out of the world if outside Valinor too long. I'm not saying any of what was committed over them was justified, but."


"How long does that take?" Morwen asks.


"I'm not sure. A long time, by human reckoning. It's been seven hundred years since they came back to life and they're dealing with it now; I'm not sure if it's counting since then or since they left Valinor the first time thirty thousand years ago."



"...coulda probably worked something out about the Silmarils, if they'd waited," Túrin says, pointedly looking away from it. "Doriath was - not nice, but trying. Most of the people there were good ones."


"Everyone makes mistakes. Thingol banned the Noldorin language. Everyone had to give up their names and pick new ones so that Thindar who interacted with them would still be able to enter Doriath."


"That seems like a mistake on a different scale from sacking Menegroth."


"The mistake they made was the Oath. Everything after that was coerced by the Oath. But yes. Although I'm not sure what the death toll was on not accepting any Noldorin refugees..."


"They wanted to," Túrin says, "or some people did, they protected the Men at their borders, they knew it was important, just couldn't think how to do it safely - with the Noldor all loyal to their oath-swearing lords..."


"Really? I can think of half a dozen ideas better than 'nothing' off the top of my head, although I suppose it's possible they wouldn't work for some reason, I wasn't there...anyway. I'm not going to claim you don't have a right to be mad at them, and it's not like you have to interact with them. Although if you really don't like them I have a list of singers you should avoid supporting the estate of because they're secretly Maglor. Elvis is one of them."





"Elvis is secretly an alive Elf instead of a dead human!"


"-  why would he -"


"Maglor really likes singing. And the money is useful for universities."


"I guess that's what I'd do if I were an Elf, so. It's not that I have a grudge against them, I don't really have a grudge against anyone, no point. I just - I am sad Doriath fell, and angry it fell at hands not the Enemy's."


"Yeah. I--I wish things had been different."


"The people who guarded their borders cared."


"I'm glad."


"I don't think I even liked them much but - yeah." He sighs.


"You don't have to like someone personally to want to be fair to them."



"I think I might need to put a lot more pieces together before I have anything more to say, sorry."


"Nothing to be sorry for."


"Should we ask your Elves about details that are missing or not fitting into place," Húrin says, "is there a way to do that."


"I will want to ask before giving out anyone's contact information in particular but I don't anticipate that being a problem."

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