Idaia and Imliss at the end of all things
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She closes her eyes and keeps storytelling.

"...And then Maedhros jumped into a chasm with his Silmaril and Maglor walked into the sea with his," she finishes, "and I don't know much about what happened after that."



"And they're the ones who're back?"


"Do you know - do they know - why them?"


"Well, they were sentenced to Mandos for their crimes, only Mandos got tired of the, so he said they could come back to life so he didn't have to deal with them as long as they stayed out of Valinor where they weren't the Valar's problem."



"That's vaguely worrying. About what it suggests of the Valar, I mean."


"I mean, when the Valar literally cursed the Noldor to fail against Morgoth and make everything terrible, they're kind of responsible when the Noldor end up getting cornered into doing terrible things. Any plan that relies on the Valar acting in a way objectively distinguishable from evil is, uh, not a sensible plan."


"As I said, I'd been assuming they don't exist." She looks back over her notes. "Thank you. Are you - safe? With them?"


"One of the Silmarils is on Venus and the other two are somewhere in the Earth's crust. No one can withhold them to let that stupid Oath coerce them into hurting them. They're--they didn't hurt people just because, they hurt people because they were cornered. I did mention they're trying to figure out how to cure old age, right? And I wouldn't withhold a Silmaril from them if I had the option. And they care about me. I'm perfectly safe with them."


"I'm glad. 


Are we?"


"You're not withholding a Silmaril either. You'll be fine. Or not any less fine as a direct result of their actions, anyway."


"Well, that's something. Feel free to drop by again, and I'll let you know how all this went."


"Okay. I hope it goes well."


The update she gets that evening is not that detailed.

Some of them had more pieces than me. Thanks again. Let me know if you need anything.


I will, she replies.

She stares at the ceiling for a little while.

She calls Curufin.


"Hey. Everything okay?"


"They're definitely reincarnated. They don't remember as much as Idaia and I, but definitely not nothing, either.

I told her everything and she asked if I was safe with you and I kinda get why but I also had to resist a pretty strong urge to tell her off."


"I never met her, so she'd be going entirely off the telling of it. 

I appreciate you doing this."


"I guess I didn't tell it well enough. She's--sensible. I liked her. She heard me out.

At some point her eleven-year-old daughter is going to remember being married to her brother and I don't know how to deal with that."


"Yeah. That's a problem. Did she have any ideas?"


"Make sure they know what's going on so they don't think they have to hide it or be thought crazy or think they are crazy or whatever if and when they start getting more. Other than that no."


"That's - probably the right approach. Still. Ooops. You two had most of the pieces by eighteen, right?"


"We're eighteen now. Got into college early. We had almost everything by sixteen."




"I think it's probably better to find out some way other than remembering."


"At least for them, yeah. My life was enough not-a-hellscape for me to be glad to have had more of it back sooner than later."

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