Idaia and Imliss at the end of all things
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"Bought a lot of time. More than they could pay for, really. By the time the Enemy got bored of waiting for them to start something he was much stronger than we were."


"Not sure how much of this I should tell the kids."


"I don't either.

Might depend on how much they remember on their own."


"Yeah. Or are going to remember - did you get it back in any kind of order -"


"...More likely to get something that was currently relevant...we got most of our first childhood back while we were kids trying to deal with emotionally incompetent parents, my sister remembered she was married when she kissed a boy--not fun for either of them, by all accounts--"


"My children married each other..."


"...Right. Um, that was just--color commentary, I wasn't trying to suggest it was comparable--I have no idea how to help prevent them from remembering the details of that."


"I didn't think - I appreciate the anecdotes, they do help, it is not as if I had anything else to go off -"


"I could give anecdotes without commenting that things about them were unpleasant."


"I don't think that would have caused it to escape me that my children may be able to retrieve memories of their magically-manipulated marriage to each other! Over which they killed themselves when learning of it!"


"Okay. I--don't really know how this works, I'm sort of making it up as I go along. Um, when we were fifteen Idaia got stung by a bee and remembered her husband apologizing to a bee who stung him for scaring it--he can talk to animals."


"So associations - showing them a dragon might do it - or if either of them ever enters into a relationship - I think I should probably just tell them everything tonight, it'll be worse if they also realize when they realize it that it's been kept a secret and assume they ought to keep it secret..."


"You could tell them the broad strokes and ask if they want details or not."


"Nienor's eleven."







"But if she's going to encounter it at random at some point anyway..."


"Let me write down everything you said, let you check over the notes for accuracy, and then I'll talk with them all and get back to you."


"Okay, that makes sense, I'll give you my cell number."


"Thanks. Take care. I am glad I met you."


She scribbles it on a piece of paper and gives it to her. "I will. It was good to meet you, too."


And she writes everything down, asking questions as she goes, until they're up to where Imliss stopped storytelling.


Imliss confirms the details and corrects them where appropriate.


"So after the battle of unnumbered tears..."

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