Idaia and Boots in Milliways
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"...that's not what epic means."


"I don't want to be epic if I can't use it to save people, and these people need saving."


"...still not how the concept is used. You might want to make up a new word for something after 'epic'."


"I'm not sure Maitimo's fixable. But the rest of it, yeah."


"...why wouldn't he be?"


"I'm not saying literally incomprehensible amounts of trauma aren't fixable by anything ever but your usual approach is not one best-optimized for this particular problem."


"Bella's a therapist! She helps people who were slaves of the Enemy! Rúmil was and he's okay now."


Rúmil is not looking particularly okay.


"Rúmil in particular was already doing fairly well when I got there - we met because he was in a condition to show me around and explain me stuff - and has never been my patient," says Bella.


"Rumil," she points out, "did not proceed to have this compounded by the deaths of his loved ones, being coerced by an Oath into killing a lot of people, and then several millenia in Mandos."


"And being a prisoner of the Enemy can mean a lot of things. Back when his seat of power was Utumno he used slaves for mining. I do not expect he was doing that with captured kings of enemy hosts. I don't know Fëanor's son and don't know what it'll take to make him okay, but please do not observe to him that some people came out of it better."


"But Bella can still make him okay."


"I can try, if he wants me to. I am not omnipotent, not even within the scope of my profession."


"I suppose I shouldn't categorically rule it out, but do keep in mind that even if it works it could take a very long time and being impatient is likely to be the opposite of helpful."


"I really need to be able to fix all of this, otherwise it's too awful."


Scoop. Hug. "I am sure we can at least make progress."


"Granted. But people problems are really not your forte, so maybe wait on expecting results in that area at least until all the technical problems have been solved? You know what I bet is harder than resurrecting humans and Dwarves, is resurrecting Maiar, Tyelcormo was super attached to Huan."


"...that was the short version," Rúmil ventures. "Does the a-mail also contain a long version?"


She checks.


It does. The longer version is eighty pages and includes maps.


"May I see that one?"


"Sure. I'm going to wait until I've recovered a little better from what was in the short version."


"I do not blame you in the slightest."


"I am so glad that Idaia and Tyelcormo didn't reproduce before all this went down," she sighs.

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