Idaia and Boots in Milliways
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"And Tyelcormo not spending the next five centuries in a miasma of despair, yes."





"Part of me is going, 'well, that sucks' and part of me is going, 'Idaia's going to be relieved that she didn't actually kill him with grief.'"


"None of us died of grief. Don't know if the oath kept us there - it might have - or if we're just the wrong temperament."


"I'd say I'm glad except apparently things got bad enough that Maitimo killed himself which is not a thing I thought was possible so things clearly got worse than I was afraid of."


"Things definitely got worse than any of us could have known to be afraid of."


"Carnistir's emailing me what happened. Haven't got it yet. Kinda scared to."


"I died before most of it."


"That sounds really hard on everyone."


"Yes. And without me and without you we didn't really have a way to win, just delay losing."


"Mhm. I'm guessing the Valar eventually stopped being useless, since I wasn't reborn into a horrific dystopia presided over by an evil deity?"


"After nearly everyone on the continent was dead, someone stole a Silmaril and with it was able to navigate the magical protections that stopped anyone from entering Valinor. For the crime of entering it without leave some of the Valar favored executing this person, but they reduced the sentence to 'circling the sky with our Silmaril forever'. And then intervened. And won."





"Carnistir said one of the Silmarils was on Venus."


"Yes. Much later, Men attempted to invade Valinor, and Eru intervened, very disruptively. That's where it ended up. By Elven eyes you can actually see it."


"Eru...turned a person into a planet because some people tried to invade Valinor. Well. I guess that explains why this planet is a sphere?"


"Yes! And he might not have turned the person into the planet, he might have just knocked the Silmaril out of orbit and then eventually put it on Venus, we don't actually know for sure. And that was the occasion on which the planet became spherical."


"I hope he didn't actually turn someone into the planet Venus. Getting turned into the planet Venus seems unpleasant. As does getting misgendered for several millenia, if the person was male."


"I doubt he can hear conversations about him on Earth, if he's the planet Venus. But yes. Eärendil. Itarillë's son, actually."





"So she survived the Ice. That's something."


"Elenwë did not. So I'm told. I was dead by then."


"She did not. I remember that."


"They're all back. Long ago. Some of them were back by the end of the Age - by the time of the war."


"That's something."


"I hope they're happy. Don't know. Do know they forgave us eventually, Mandos said so."


"That's definitely something! Especially since there is now a smol you with interdimensional teleport. D'you know if Valinor is on a different plane of existence, a different planetary body, or just somewhere profoundly well-hidden on Earth?"


"Closest to the latter. Elves can still get there by boat."

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