Kib in Arda
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He waits another two years. That's how long it takes for the pterodactyls to grow big enough to fly.


This pterodactyl is to do whatever Findekáno says unless he's captured.

In which case it is to do its best to kill him and Maitimo and any other Elves it can find in there instead.


Thank you.


Thank you.


For what, exactly, seducing you into this whole tragic mess instead of letting you go home to find your Aydanci and grow old with him?


Because growing old's such a picnic and we could certainly rely on reincarnating for mysterious reasons indefinitely. No, for helping Maitimo, whichever way.



Love you. Be okay.


Love you too. Be not-captured.


He has acquired a lot of ways to commit suicide and has them appropriately convenient. I won't.



He does not tell anyone else.


He flies off. 



He's so far above Angband that the air's nearly too thin to breathe when he reaches for Maitimo.


Can you hear me?



Yes, the voice replies dully. There's around fifty Balrogs, there's around a hundred thousand orcs left, there's space for a lot more and he's trying to get the population back, my estimates assume the population mixes in a way they might not do, I haven't seen the kids but I'm pretty sure they're in the south wing, built in under the mountain, and I tried talking to them, at first, and they seem tolerably treated but not likely to be loyal to him if they were presented with a way out. Here's everything I have on the layout. 



It matches.


That's a little too easy. And that is Maitimo, can't spoof osanwe while he's still free, but -

...okay. Where are you, how do I get you out.


Turn around and go home. That's an order.


I am obviously not taking orders from you under the circumstances. Now that I know this works I might try to plan some more before I try, though -


He'll learn from me that you did it and it won't be safe to do again.


Are you under any oaths -


But it's not as if he'd say it. So you, what, just had that prepared to say in case anyone came in range?


This is the third one of these.


Of what?


Hallucinations in which you rescue me. 


On the off chance that it's real, are you going to be cooperative with this rescue hallucination? Give me accurate information, do what I tell you -


I assure you I'm in no condition to resist you.


Then tell me where you are.


He shows him. 


And he swings the pterodactyl around and sees him.


The hard part was the waiting; this part is hardly difficult at all. He swoops down and has a try at the shackle and determines it enchanted by a Vala and cuts off Maitimo's hand, instead, and then sings for altitude, altitude, because this thing is not meant to fly with two, and ties off Maitimo's severed wrist with one hand and keeps a knife at his throat with the other - because he can't be sure, not yet - 

don't move, okay? I love you and don't move -

- and he flies home.

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