Kib in Arda
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If reincarnation even works that reliably. Still don't know why me, why us, it can't be everybody's just very quiet about it - should I tell it to go somewhere else -?


Tell it to go get itself a treat or something, hopefully that'll confuse it into playing along a little longer while we get some more warservants up here and come up with an excuse to send it clear...


"Go get yourself a drink and some bugs," Kib tells the bird.


Bird flies off. 


Warservants are collected. Kib stays quite close to his, but doesn't want to give the game away by surrounding himself with extras.


The area is quietly evacuated of non-warservants.


Where should I tell it to go?


I'm expecting that when it realizes it's caught out it has orders to kill someone. Or as many people as it can but probably starting with someone in particular.


I go hide underground, golems just attack it without warning? Or have someone else tell it to do something and oblige it to assume they're a secondary for the bird it's impersonating?


Maybe the latter. I want you well clear of this.



He goes.


And he has Tyelcormo call the bird over, and the bird hesitates and then goes, and they open fire from the rooftops and then it's a valarauka. Of course. 



They aren't short of war golems, though on a lucky hit a valarauka can disable one, and they do not know how to kill the things but they know how to hit them very hard, and after a few hours it goes invisible - not that that stops the war golems from attacking it - and then they stop.

Only a moderate-sized section of the city has been reduced to rubble. The ground is still smoking.

It turned invisible and ran, don't know where it ran..


Home? Off to terrorize somebody else to teach us a lesson? Someplace inaccessible to wait around and heal up?


Those seem like the candidates.  I hope Feanáro gets somewhere on immortality soon so we can let him loose on killing the damned things.


You and me both.


A month later their scouts from the east bring startling news. A new species has, indeed, awakened. They're by all appearances humans.



Well that's weird.

Can they servantmake.


No servantmaking was observed, but they might not have independently discovered it in their first months as a species. Send them some dogs, see if they pet them, or show up more directly and try to teach them? Or take them all into Noldorin custody, Maitimo's tempted by this, there's a couple thousand and they're totally defenseless.


Try teaching them to make shines; osanwë it like so, it's like this. If they can, definitely take them into custody, if they can't, they can afford to, like, ask nicely. Petting dogs is not intuitive enough that people unexposed the concept are going to do it by accident.


A couple days' delay. The newcomers have learned how to make shines, and their camp is now thoroughly decorated with them. 


They can still probably afford to ask nicely but they can hardly afford to accept a 'no'. The King is inclined to ride out with thirty thousand people, leave most of them back, attempt to convince the humans to come voluntarily, and then have a lovely forced march at wargolem-point if he can't. He's pretty sure he can. Any ideas on how, though?


What are they like, culturally speaking, humans vary... what kind of bribery do we have handy...


Food, magic songs, shelter, horses, magic jewelry, pretty fabrics - they're not like anything culturally, apparently, they are brand new, they have yet to invent fire, just wander around eating the lichens, which I guess are thankfully edible. It's not even clear if they have central organization...


At a guess food and shelter will be the most appealing things unless they popped into existence thinking long-term enough to want the magic stuff...


We will bring delicious food and osanwe them lots of comfort and shelter, I've got people at work expanding the city. How fast can I make humans walk, if it comes to that?


Comfortable is like three miles an hour, if they're in good shape and have plenty of water they can keep that up with breaks and three meals a day for hours, maybe longer after they've developed calluses and stuff. If you push them faster then over a few thousand there'll be stress and wear injuries and stuff and they won't be happy.

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