this isn't really about Valia Wain
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She probably thinks he's only doing this to spy on her letters so he can concoct a story about her guilt at the trial, but it doesn't matter. He is not going to get anywhere here. Valia Wain will eventually learn what world she lives in, or she won't, and if she's ever going to realize that the difference matters before one starts giving speeches about it it won't be because he said so. 

He nods and teleports out. 


She doesn't actually think the the secretary is a trick. If the man wanted her dead he has several thousand very straightforward ways to do that and doesn't really seem the type to lower himself to doing it through hired spies. She does think the secretary is as intangible as the assurances that the delegates would have the archmages' protection, right up until the woman arrives.



Well. Time to review her mail, then. You can't not do things just because they probably don't matter at all.

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