Miss Jenkins explains the ins and outs of the species, stiffly but in great detail. Dark creatures seem to be a specialty of hers.
By the end of class, Miss Jenkins has recovered what bearing she ever had. "Write an essay for me on the relationship between grindylows and the lesser kappa by next week. Five hundred words. For one point extra credit, include one hundred words on strangler kelp. Five points to Ravenclaw for explaining the problem earlier. Go away now."
The Ravenclaw girls both write down the assignment and get up to go. They try not to give meaningful "what the fuck was that" looks to their Hufflepuff acquaintances until they are out in the hall.
"I feel sort of sorry for her but liking her takes it a little too far," Miranda says dubiously. "Oh, Ari, Sally, this is Karen Dwimmer. Karen, these are Ari whose surname I'm not at all sure of based on hat timing because he told me it was Smith, and Sally Martin, we met in Diagon Alley."
"I'm- Sally, yeah. This is Leo, he's also in Hufflepuff and he has... a lot of last names that I don't remember."
Leo, in turn, extends a hand to Miranda. "Leonardo Carlos Santana Vega del Monte de la Cruz. Leo Santana Vega. Hello. I am in fact in Hufflepuff."
"You can never be too sure. I could be a Slytherin spy, perhaps. Color-changing charm is pretty easy. Lying, on the other hand, is impossible."
Sally remains unconvinced.
"I mean, I might join a dueling club if there was one, and you're going to get hexed if you do that, but I'm not pointing a wand at Miranda."
"There's no dueling club?"
Sally's eyes widen. "Ari-"
"I'm starting a dueling club. Alert the press."
"This is a terrible-"
"Sally, please, this is my destiny-"
"Terrible idea!"
"Maybe I can get Miss Jenkins to help!"
Sally moans in horror.
"If you want to keep your dueling club get someone less... tone-deaf... to help," recommends Karen urgently.
"Flitwick," says Miranda at once. "Flitwick has a competitive dueling history ask him not Professor Jenkins."
Sally drops her head into her hands. "Flitwick. Please."
"Flitwick, then. But if he says no, I'm asking her."
"I won't join if she's running it, and how many classes do you think she had before I got her not to tell anyone to hex each other?"
"She did seem pretty confused by the resistance," Leo points out. "I wouldn't be surprised if we were the first. Not that I support this in any way, shape, or form, you understand, that woman is an absolute nightmare."