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The notices are published, the letter to the palace sent.

But there's a lot more to do.

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Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà
Barrister of the Courts
Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

To Archduke Alfonso Antoninus Iomedae Thrune i Blanxart,

Many things are Rumored about your Fate in the recent Unrest, and I know not what to put Store in. I hope this Letter finds you Alive or at least Raised.

Know that those Vile Thrunes lately in Control of the Empire deserve not an Illustrious Ancestor such as you. That their Diabolic Conduct dragged your own Name through the Mud adds to their Crimes; but their Filth does not stain you.

I write not in Idle Flattery, but in Earnest Support, as one Target of the Mob to another. I can scarcely put to Writing the Contempt and Weariness I feel towards the Violent Rabble. Yet they are but ordinary Men, and I despair that such Things will never have an End as long as Men yet live.

I know the Faith of holy Aroden only from Books antique to me, and do not know how His Church would answer this Dilemma.

Nonetheless know Foremost that you have my Wholehearted Support.

Yours in holy Aroden,

Delegate Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà


Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà
Barrister of the Courts
Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

To Select of Iomedae Valia Wain,

I trust that you are Horrified and Sickened as I at the great Violence done in your Name in the Late Unrest. I am sure your Silence after the Fact has been Counselled by Good and Wise Counsellors, and that you Greatly Wish to offer your Public Condemnation of the Riots.

However I offer Counsel of a different sort, urging that you keep Lawful Counsel only, and avoid Chaotic Words. For we have seen the Fruits of Chaos in Fire and Blood.

If you are great Personal Friends with your Calistrian associate, I would not dare to gainsay any Partiality you may have on a Personal Basis. But I beseech you by Iomedae not to heed her Counsel on Grave Matters; we have seen the Vengeance of Calistria enough in this City, and can scarcely bear more.

I do not believe your Eloquent Speech before the Convention was Unlawful, though I do not wish to Speak in its Defense. But should you find yourself Entirely Bereft of any Defenders at Law, you may call on me at the Last, and I will do my Duty not to you but to the Law.

By the Grace of the Inheritor, I remain,

Delegate Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà


Dear Miss

Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà.

I am a Merchant foreign to your Shores, but I have come into the need of a reliable Warehouse to store my Property. My need of Reliable Representation in the Purchase is great. Having noted that as A Delegate you have been Placed in a Position of Great Trust, do you feel that the Negotiation of such Purchase would be Something that you Feel is within your capacity?

S. R. Egbad


Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà
Barrister of the Courts
Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

To Messr. S. R. Egbad,

I am able and willing to handle Matters of Transactional Law, including the Purchasing of Real Estate. If you are present in Westcrown you may meet at my Offices, or send a Representative; otherwise continue to send Correspondence. I have enclosed a draft Letter of Engagement with usual Schedule of Fees and Expenses; please Review it at your Convenience. May Abadar smile on your Endeavours.

By the Providence of Abadar, I remain,

Delegate Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà


Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà
Barrister of the Courts
Delegate to the Constitutional Convention

To Delegate Séfora of Aspramunt, the Martell Alçat,

My heartfelt Thanks once again for your Timely Rescue. I am Unfortunately still Searching for the Whereabouts of Delegate Porras.

I have enclosed Selected Excerpts of certain Texts discussing Metal Constructs, though I know not if any bear Relevance. At any rate it is an Interesting Field.

May Torag preserve you and your People, keeping them Free and Safe, as new Government is Established.

By Torag's foundation, I remain,

Delegate Lluïsa Oriol i Cornellà

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