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i find it funny when my coauthors have no idea what they're signing up for
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...We'll have to follow up with Makoto on that one?




Before she can attempt her main project of convincing her mother to give her more freedom, she needs a new source of passive income. If it fails at first–or if she has an easy success–her mother might find it difficult to earn enough money. As one of the few people on this planet who use more than 5% of their brains, she sho–aha! She knows exactly what to do! Since everyone else isn't using most of their brainpower anyways, she just needs to tap into their collective unused brainpower. This should give enough her power to generate Bitcoin to support herself indefinitely!


She quickly edits the DNA of a virus she has lying around and booby-traps it in an envelope. She addresses the envelope to a random person, some Satoshi Nakamoto in Japan.



Alicia turns her head as her mothe–butler pokes its head into her room.

    There's a letter for you, it communicates.


Hope's Peak, as a matter of policy, does not shy from those talented youngsters whose methods some might find... concerning. It's not like they'd be any better off unsupervised. And it's undeniable that this girl has talent.

Dear Alicia,

We at Hope's Peak Academy are excited to extend this invitation for you to join our incoming class as the Ultimate Biologist. Your innovative approach to virology and unique perspective on utilizing human cognitive resources have not gone unnoticed.

Your recent project involving the modification of viral DNA and its creative distribution method has caught our attention. While we are obliged to stress that Hope's Peak Academy does not condone the unauthorized use of biological agents or the exploitation of unwitting subjects, we cannot deny the ingenuity and advanced understanding of biology demonstrated in your work.

At Hope's Peak Academy, we believe in nurturing exceptional talents, even when they manifest in unconventional ways. Our institution is equipped to channel your remarkable abilities into pursuits that could revolutionize the field of biology. We offer state-of-the-art laboratories, access to cutting-edge research, and mentorship from leading experts who can guide your brilliant mind toward groundbreaking discoveries. We are particularly impressed by your ability to conceptualize and execute complex biological processes, as well as your ambitious goal of tapping into collective brainpower. These skills, when properly directed, could lead to significant advancements in neurobiology and cognitive science.

Our curriculum is designed to challenge and stimulate minds like yours, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in biology. We believe that under our guidance, you could become a pioneering force in biological research, potentially developing revolutionary methods to enhance human cognitive capabilities. We are confident that the resources and opportunities at Hope's Peak Academy will provide ample stimulation for your extraordinary intellect.

Enclosed, please find additional information about our academy, including details about our advanced biology program. We eagerly await your response, which we kindly request not include any biological agents.

Headmaster Makoto Naegi
Hope's Peak Academy


Alicia has, in fact, heard of the Hope's Peak Academy. It is said to be incredibly selective and offer much more freedom to its students than her old school used to. She thinks about it for a moment. She has finally–finally!–managed to convince her mother to let her do what she wants, and going to a school would probably mean needing to listen to the teachers however permissive the rumors describe it to be. On the other hand, the teachers at her old school mostly let her alone after she got through them and she doubts doing that in a new school would be much harder. And the resources described in the letter are tempting...


She takes a bird and rewrites its DNA to make it fly to the Academy and convey her acceptance.


Monokuma does not understand why students keep sending their registration letters via bird. It makes logistics difficult, that they need to be prepared for 2-3 letters to be delivered by bird each school year.

But they do, of course, receive the letter.


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